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Answer 1

There is, perhaps, no term today that is more misunderstood than the term "jihad". Nowadays, the word jihad has solely come to signify "holy war", terrorism, or the mass murder of innocent people. However, what is jihad really about and what is its correct meaning? The term jihad is in fact derived from the Arabic verb "jahada", which linguistically means to strive or struggle. In Islam, however, jihad means to exhaust utmost effort striving to please God. This, unsurprisingly, includes fighting, as fighting is a form of struggle. In fact, majority of the time the term jihad is mentioned in the Qur'an it means "fighting in the way of God" (for His sake), and to make His Word the highest. The one who engages in jihad is called a mujaahid; the plural is mujaahideen.

Jihad is a very important part of Islam. Unlike Christians, Muslims do not believe in the idea of "love thy enemy" or turning the other cheek when we are attacked. Instead, we believe in the divine principle, "fight those who fight you." This general guideline and rule agrees with our human nature and survival instinct. That is because it is only natural for one to retaliate against aggression and defend one's life, property and wealth from any external attack.

Sadly, this basic human right - the right to defend oneself - is nowadays denied to Muslims by modern-day democracies and so-called free nations, such as Britain and the USA. This is clearly evident in the fact that Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Chechnya and Kashmir who are resisting the brutal occupation of their lands are continually branded and portrayed as terrorists and violent extremists by Western powers.

On top of this, any Muslim in the West that has the fortitude to condemn the evil actions of Coalition forces is similarly branded as a "terrorist sympathiser" or accused of "glorifying terrorism" for believing in the right of Muslims to defend their land from occupation. It is not even allowed for us to discuss the causes of 9/11 or 7/7 - in order to gain lessons - without fear of being labelled a terrorist fanatic.

The irony of this situation is that if tomorrow Britain is under occupation, every Briton would consider it their right, without any question, to fight for their country and defend their land, even if such actions were deemed terrorism by other nations.

So, in summary, jihad does not translate as "holy war" or the killing of innocent people. It is to strive, with utmost effort, to please God and fight in His way. It is famously reported that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "The best form of jihad is to speak the truth in the face of a tyrant ruler."(Abu Daawud and Al-Tirmidhi)

The greatest tyrants today are those who prefer the rule of man over the laws of God (Sharia law). Jihad and the establishment of Sharia law on earth are the only two things which will unite all people, of all races, and rid the world of oppression, poverty and corruption for good.

Answer 2

Jihad is a part of the religion Islam. The word means 'struggle', even though many parts of the media report that it means 'holy war' or similar things so that they have something to write stories on.

Jihad is completely different from terrorism. Even though organizations like al-Qaeda claim that they are following the Jihad rules, they are not.

Answer 3

There are two forms of jihad. One is an internal struggle to be true and faithful to Islam amidst all of the struggles and difficulties that the world presents. The second is the command to rise militarily in defense of Islam when Muslims are under attack, especially from non-Muslims. This second form of jihad is popularly considered the "holy war" type of jihad.

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简单点 说话的方式jian dan d
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Jesse Simon

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a goddang essay lmao
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9y ago

Jihad could be a person name and could mean struggle against military attacks and/or struggle to avoid committing sins and deviating from Islam morals and rules. Refer to related question below.

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14y ago

jihad is basically when the Muslims put Allah before everything. Someone told the Arabs that if they die killing Christians or Jews then when they go to heaven they will get 100 wives. This is the reason why men tried to kill the Christians and the Jewish people.

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13y ago

It is a movement made of people who are not true Muslims, however, they are portrayed by much of the media as being part of Islam. They allegedly try to hurt and terrorize civilians in various ways.

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8y ago

Jihad or Jihadism means 'struggle, striving, doing effort'. In Islam, Jihad means striving in the Way of Almighty Allah (God). In fact it is the Sacred Struggle made to maintain peace in human society which everybody should do irrespective of his religion.

Very unfortunately, most of the non-Muslims, and many of the Muslims misunderstand Jihad. They confuse it with 'Killing'. It is not true. Jihad in Islam is of many kinds. The highest is 'striving' to control one's own animal, ruthless, brutal and evil passions. It is very difficult to remain cool and composed in the face of aggression. Islam demands 'patience' from its followers. Speaking truth, refraining from corruption of all kinds, being just to all humans and even all creatures, being honest in all matters of life, and being steadfast and upright in the face of temptation are among the actions which are the demand of Jihad of the Highest kind.

Preaching Islam by the word of mouth and practicing it in one's daily life is also Jihad. Spending money in the way of Almighty Allah, doing acts of charity, helping the needy and the poor is also Jihad.

When the enemies of Islam attack the Muslims, the Muslims must take up arms if negotiation fails and there is no alternative but to fight. Almighty Allah says in the holy Qur'an:

Sura (chapter) Al-Baqra-2: Aya: 190; "Fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight you, --But do not transgress limits. For Allah does not love transgressors. Aya-193: And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah, but if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who are oppressors."

Thus it must be clear in the minds of the true Muslims that killing human beings in the name of religion is not permitted in Islam. Killing of one innocent human being irrespective of his religion, caste, color or country is like killing of all human beings in the Eyes of Almighty Allah (God). Almighty Allah has created all human beings and loves them all.

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9y ago

Jihad is a tenet of Islam and a religious duty to strive in the way of God. There are two general ways to do this, the Greater Jihad and the Lesser Jihad. The Greater Jihad is an introspective journey to conquer your internal demons and follow the Divine Laws more closely than previously; this kind of jihad should be entirely peaceful. The Lesser Jihad refers to conflicts and confrontations between Muslims and Non-Muslims or other Muslims, which often erupt in war, but can also be performed through non-violent protests, debate, and advocacy.

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9y ago

Jihad is a tenet of Islam and a religious duty to strive in the way of God. There are two general ways to do this, the Greater Jihad and the Lesser Jihad. The Greater Jihad is an introspective journey to conquer your internal demons and follow the Divine Laws more closely than previously; this kind of jihad should be entirely peaceful. The Lesser Jihad refers to conflicts and confrontations between Muslims and Non-Muslims or other Muslims, which often erupt in war, but can also be performed through non-violent protests, debate, and advocacy. It is the Lesser Jihad which is often cast as a Holy War.

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14y ago

Jihadists are those who are practicing Jihad.

Jihad is of two types:

  • self Jihad (or oneself struggle and is called the greatest Jihad), and
  • military Jihad (or struggle with others and is called the smallest Jihad)

Self Jihad is that any Muslim should practice Jihad or self struggle to avoid doing wrong deeds and/or committing sins that are forbidden by Islam and by his community.

Regarding Military Jihad, it is licit only in two cases:

  • First: to defend home land and home people against any invaders.
  • Second: to provide help and support to other people who are oppressed and unable to practice their own will and freedom of choice.

In both cases, Muslims (as in all other faiths) are commanded, by their religion, to be fair and just. They should not to kill a woman, child, or an old man or any civilian. They are commanded not to be excessive in using force and not to terrify civilians.

The above is general view about what is called Jihad (especially in Islam) and about jihadists.

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8y ago

Islam and Jihad vs. Islamism and Jihadism
We should first split off Islam and Jihad from any discussion about Islamism and Jihadism. Islam is a religion and Jihad is a religious concept within Islam about how to strive both for better morals and a more Islamic world. This kind of Jihad is discussed in the Community Answer. Islamism and Jihadism, however, are political ideologies. The goal of Islamism is to bring the religious tenets of Islam into the daily functioning of a government and its laws.

Jihadism Definition and Actions
Jihadism not only wishes a particularly repressive version of Islamic Law to be instituted (Islamism), but believes that violence in defense of the faith is the preferred way to do this. Jihadism, like Islamism, is a political ideology rooted in Islamic religious concepts, but distorted. The distortion here is that there are many ways to advocate on behalf of Islam and the choice to exclusively use violence is a misinterpretation of the doctrine. Terrorism and attacks against civilians are methods commonly used by Jihadists as a method to instill fear and acquire more power.

Scriptural Support for Jihadism
While Islam does not necessarily lead to or support Islamism and Jihadism, there are certainly Qur'anic verses that can be read by those seeking to be intolerant and violent of good grounds to do so. Q: 3:19 claims that the only religion that is acceptable to God is Islam. Q: 3:110 claims that Muslims are the best people in all history. Q: 8:55 claims that those who disbelieve are the worst of animals. Q: 9:29 argues for the repression and inequality of Jews and Christians before Muslims. Q: 2:216 argues for fighting against "enemies" even if you would prefer not to. There are numerous other verses that support this connection. While it is only a minority (between 10-20%) of Muslims who are Islamists and a far smaller number (<3%) who are Jihadists, almost all Islamists and Jihadists are Muslims and these small percentages still translate into millions of people. It is important to note that the validity of Islamism and Jihadism exist as only one reading out of many possible readings of the Qur'an, which is why there are many legitimate readings that condone secularism.

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Jihad means Struggle (Apex)

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What does mujahiden mean?

People who are engaged in a jihad. "Jihad" means "struggle" in Arabic, so the struggle can be either physical or spiritual.

What does jihad literally mean?

Jihad is an Artabic word that means literally 'Struggle'. Refer to question below for more details.

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Why does the word jihad mean death crime murder terrorism and Hate Crime?

Jihad does not mean any of the words in the question. Jihad means struggle against military attacks as well as struggle to prevent your self from committing sins or deviations from Islamic morals and rules. Refer to related question below.

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Did Jihad refers to a holy war against enemies of Islam?

Jihad does not mean holy war. Jihad is an Arabic word that means struggle. All of us; irrelevant to faith or religion; do jihad (or struggle) for better life, better education, doing good deeds, avoid bad deeds or sayings. Also Jihad includes struggle against those who attack your lands, homes, or faith. Refer to question below.

Is jihad a boy's name?

Yes, Jihad is used as male name. Jihad is an Arabic word that means struggle. Answer 2 No Jihad is not a name ,Mujahid (the person who does jihad) is a name for a male. Mujahida is for a female.

What is the importance of Jihad?

Jihad is a beautiful word in Islam which means struggling.It certainly does not mean war over smoking.It also means fighting for Islam.SO YOU NON-BELIEVERS OUT THERE GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT!

What was jihad movement?

The Jihad Movement was a uniting force for Muslims. Jihad means fighting for Islam.And it was Successful.

What term refers to a struggle on behalf of Islam?

Jihad mean to struggle However, it is for anything.its only meaning is to struggle and muslim use it for everykind of trouble whether on islam or inrespective to islam. Misconception in todays media They think that jihad mean holy war which is not in arabic dictionary or in quran whenever taliban or muslim kill they say its their holy war jihad which is 100% wrong according to arabs,dictionaries and everything.

How has jihad ended?

Jihad is an ongoing phenomenon. It has not ended.

How did jihad came to mean holy war?

Jihad does not mean'holy war'. Jihad means 'struggle, striving'. Any action done in the way of Almighty Allah, by mouth (preaching Islam), spending money, or by physical means is Jihad in Islam. The greatest Jihad is fighting against one's own evil passions, being honest and just in daily routine matters is Jihad. Anyhow, if some force unjustly attacks Islam and tries to uproot it, the Muslim states must wage Jihad till peace is resored. It will be a holy war. Declaring Jihad in this situation is the responsibility of Muslim States. No individual or a group of Muslims is authorised to declare Jihad. These are the insane and mad people who kill innocent people in the name of Islam. They have nothing to do with Islam. Islam means 'peace', not war or killing.