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It means both parents retain equal decision making power in their child's life. This may apply to choice of schools, medical care, religion and other areas as well.

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Q: What is joint legal custody in ny state?
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Can a mother of a child move out of ny state with that child without biological father's approval?

it depends on your custody papers and what they say... if you have joint custody NO.... if you have residential custody maybe with court allowing it.... if you have sole custody then you would need to inform him but you could leave!!!

In ny can a parent with physical joint custody take a child out the country?

Removal of a child from the US is not a state matter, it's federal, and the signature are required for the Visa.

If you have primary and legal custody of your children in PA and gave permission for my son to live with the father in NY Will there be an issue if i have to get my son from NY?

Not if he filed for a change, as he should have.

What does joint custody with primary residence mean in NY?

It means the child will primarily reside with one parent, but both parents are allowed adequate time with the child. Joint legal custody with primary residence means the child will primarily reside with one parent, but both parents retain the right to jointly make decisions regarding the welfare of their child (school, religion etc). Indiana Legal Services warns parents that joint custody does not necessarily mean an exact 50 percent split in time spent with each parent but the courts will try to make it as equitable as possible.

How old are you when your legal in NY state?

Consider 18 being legal that's that it is in most states now

Are your full custody papers from NY legal in NC courts?

Any court order that is signed and executed by the judge is valid in all 50 states

Can you be 19 and move out in NY state?

Yes you can it is legal to move out when you ate 18.

Can I use information I found in a private investigation against my ex husband in a custody battle in the state of NY?

It is generally not advisable to use information obtained through a private investigation without legal guidance. In New York, the admissibility of such evidence may be subject to specific rules and requirements in family court. It's important to consult with a family law attorney to understand the best approach and any potential implications before using this information in a custody battle.

Married in Romania divorcing in NY legal?

If you reside in New York state, yes, you may obtain a legal divorce there.

What is the legal age a parent is no longer responsible in State of NY?

18 years old

Is it legal in NY state for an infant to be in the front seat of a pick up truck?


Is a marriage in Belize legal in ny state?

Yes. Absolutely. As long as you have papers for prove it.