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Q: What is killing coral reefs?
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Who is causing the coral reefs to die?

Some diseases carried by humans can infect coral reefs and scientists have just recently discovered that a form of the herpes virus is killing coral reefs.

What is global warming doing to coral reefs?

It Is Killing Them

What are some interesting facts about the coral reef?

people are killing the coral reefs by pollution.

Are coral reefs threatened?

we have too much CO2 in our atmospherein the future or present, the CO2 is absorbed by the oceanmaking it more acidic killing the coral reefs

What structures do coral colonies produce?

Coral Reefs

Are dolphins in the coral reefs?

no dolphins are not in coral reefs.

What coral reef is in California?

There are no coral reefs IN California

Where does the name coral reef come from?

The reason they are called Coral Reef is because there are lots of coral in those locations, and they are also called coral reefs or reefs of coral reefs of coral too.

Are coral reefs can be gas for ships?

are coral reefs can be gas of ships?

What is deterioration of coral reefs?

Coral reefs are being killed by pollutants.

Do scuba divers kill coral reefs?

They sometimes do cause damage to the reefs, but are not usually to blame for killing entire reefs; that is something that only larger forces can cause, such as climate change or a huge hurricane.

What are natural threats to coral reefs?

Pollution is a natural threat to coral reefs.