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The kinetic-molecular theory states:

1) All matter is composed of very small particles called atoms,ions or molecules.

2) All of these small particles are in constant motion, even at the coldest temperature whether vibratory or translatory.

3)The kinetic energy of the particles is a measure of temprature. The greater the number of impacts the greater will be the pressure and vice-versa.

4) These particles collide but the total energy remains same.

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What is the importance of the kinetic-molecular theory?

Answer to kinetic-molecular theoryThe kinetic-molecular theory states:1) All matter is composed of very small particles called atoms,ions or molecules.2) All of these small particles are in constant motion, even at the coldest temperature whether vibratory or translatory.3)The kinetic energy of the particles is a measure of temprature. The greater the number of impacts the greater will be the pressure and vice-versa.4) These particles collide but the total energy remains same.An example of this process could be determining condensation of gases in which lowering the temperatures will slow down the molecules.the gas particles do not attract or repel each other.Kinetic theory is particles of matter in the gaseous state. This is constant motion.

What theory provides information concerning both molecular shape and molecular bonding?

Molecular orbital theory(MOT) provides information about both molecular shape and molecular bonding.

How does the kinetic-molecular theory explain why atmospheric pressure is greater at lower altitudes than at higher altitudes?

The kinetic-molecular theory explains that there is more pressure at lower altitudes because there are more obstacles for the gas molecules to run into and create more pressure. They collide with the walls of their container as well as other molecules. And at higher altitudes, there is more space for the gas molecules to travel and not bump into things therefore not as much pressure is created. Also, some extra info: the atmosphere is denser closer to the Earth's surface because the weight of atmospheric gases at any elevation compresses the gases below.

Is kinetic energy a molecule?

The type of kinetic energy that is in the motion of a molecule is incredible Once it rises up, it comes down like a rocket falling towards earth except lighter. That's when it goes up. Once everything goes up, it must all come back down

What is the Basic concept of kinetic molecular theory of gases?

Gases comprise of molecules/atoms that collide with each other and the walls of a container as they are inconstant and random motion. Gas pressure is influenced by the velocity of these atoms/molecules.

Related questions

What is the abbreviation for kinetic molecular theory?

The abbreviation for kinetic molecular theory is KMT.

What is the meaning of KMT in chemistry?

In chemistry, KMT stands for Kinetic Molecular Theory. It is a theory that explains the behavior of gases in terms of the motion of their particles. It states that gases are made up of a large number of small particles that are in constant, random motion.

What is the meaning of KMT in science?

kinetic molecular theory

What theory of matter states that all of the particles that make up matter are constantly in motion?

kinetic theory.

Which process can be explained by the kinetic-molecular theory?

Diffusion can be explained by the kinetic-molecular theory.

What is the difference between the Ideal Gas Law and Kinetic Molecular Theory?

KMT talks about the properties of real gases while ideal gas laws discuss only the ideal gases..

Do most gases obey the Kinetic Molecular Theory?

No, actually none do. Most apply to some of the traits of the KMT at STP. (standard temperature and pressure) or 1 atm and 273 K

Which process can be explained by the kinetic theory?

Diffusion can be explained by the kinetic-molecular theory.

What is the kinetic-molecular theory equation?

I researched and all I found for The Kinetic-Molecular Theory was this:KE = 1/2 mv2

What molecular theory was proposed by Boltzmann and Maxwell?

Boltzmann and Maxwell proposed the kinetic molecular theory, which states that gases are composed of a large number of molecules that are in constant motion and collide with each other and the walls of their container. This theory helped explain many gas laws and phenomena related to the behavior of gases.

What is the definition of kinetic molecular model?

The kinetic molecular model is a scientific theory that describes the behavior of gases as a collection of particles in constant motion. It assumes that gas particles are in constant motion, colliding with each other and the container walls. The model helps explain gas properties such as pressure, temperature, and volume based on the motion of individual particles.

Does the kinetic molecular theory apply to electrons?

because kinetic energy have electltrolises