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That it has a mass estimated at about 4 million times the mass of our Sun, and that it is currently fairly inactive. For more information, read the Wikipedia article about "Sagittarius A*". The asterisk is part of the name.

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Q: What is known about the super massive black hole in the center of your galaxy?
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How was the massive black hole made in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy?

That is not yet known for sure. Most large galaxies have a supermassive black hole in their center. It is known how a massive star can convert to a black hole, but it is not currently known how such a black hole would acquire such a huge mass since its creation.

What is known about the super massive black holes in the center of your galaxy?

Check the Wikipedia article "Sagittarius A*"; that should give you some ideas what is known about it.

What are straight branches of stars projecting from the center of galaxy?

Generally older stars. Most, if not all galaxies have a supermassive black hole at their centre.

Where are galaxy mass black holes found in?

There is no such thing as a black hole with the mass of a galaxy. At least, none that we know of, and not if you are thinking of a large galaxy like the Milky Way. The largest known black hole has about 20 billion solar masses - which is still much less than the mass of a typical galaxy. For example, our Milky Way is estimated to have a mass of about 700 billion solar masses. However, such as massive black hole does have a mass comparable to smaller galaxies, i.e., dwarf galaxies. In any case, such huge black holes are found in the center of large galaxies.

How are super-massive black-holes in the center of galaxies?

millions of black holes are in all of the galaxies, and in the center of all large galaxies is an enormous black hole that makes all the stars go around it. the power was a million times greater 350 years ago. this cycle will repeat over again. Scientists have come to believe that there is very probably a supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way, and that there may be supermassive black holes at the centers of many galaxies.

What is the average travel distance on earth from black hole?

The nearest black hole to the Earth is about 9.7 light years away!

What is the scientific name for a spiral galaxy?

A M64 is a spiral galaxy known as the Black Eye Galaxy.

What is known about the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy?

Not much actually. Scientists are still looking into it. What they do know though is that it has eaten up everything around it. Because of that, the supermassive black hole exists in a pitch black, empty area in the center of the Milky Way.

Is a black hole bigger than galaxy?

No. At least, the black holes in existence so far are much smaller in size, and have much less mass, than a galaxy. However, note that the black hole in the center of the largest galaxies can have more mass (but not more diameter) than some dwarf galaxies.

Who owns the black hole at the center of the galaxy?

Nothing is known about any owner. You might imagine some powerful alien civilization laying claim to the black hole, but this is just wild speculation.

Are there any present black holes?

Yes. The nearest known black hole is about 3,000 light years away in the system V616 Monocerotis. There is a probably supermassive black hole at the center of the Galaxy, about 26,000 light years away.

What is the first known black hole?

the super massive black one in the centre of the milky way