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Cadmium is one thing that is poisonous.

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Q: What is known for heavy metal poisoning?
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What is heavy metal poisoning?

Heavy metal poisoning is the toxic accumulation of heavy metals in the soft tissues of the body.

How is most heavy metal poisoning treated?

The treatment for most heavy metal poisoning is chelation therapy. A chelating agent specific to the metal involved is given either orally, intramuscularly, or intravenously.

Is testosterone a source of heavy metal poisoning?

No. Testosterone is a hormone.

How is heavy metal poisoning treated in alternative medicine?

Alternative practitioners often rely on the same chelating agents used by standard doctors to treat heavy metal poisoning, but also use natural supplements and additional techniques

Can heavy metal poisoning be prevented?

Heavy metal poisoning may be detected using blood, urine, and stool tests, hair and tissue analysis, or x rays. In children, blood lead levels above 80 mcg/dl generally indicate lead poisoning

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Doctors that specialize in heavy metal poisoning?

I need to find doctors that specialize in diagnosing heavy metals in the body in Florida.

What are the dangerous uses of copper?

Copper ions are toxic (nefrotoxic, kidney's): heavy metal poisoning

What happens to fish and other water life when mercury levels get to high?

They die of heavy metal poisoning. Anything eating sufficient quantities of them can then also get heavy metal poisining.

What is the prognosis for heavy metal poisoning?

The chelation process can only halt further effects of the poisoning; it cannot reverse neurological damage already sustained.

What would happen if you put dragon blood into a human?

The human would die of heavy metal poisoning. That is if the blood poisoning didn't kill him first.

What research has been done on heavy metal poisoning?

One highly contested issue between alternative medicine and mainstream dentistry surrounds mercury poisoning.