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Q: What is lava's resistance to flow?
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Is it true that condensation is the resistance of a fluid to flow?

No, resistance to flow is viscosity.

Does resistance flow through a circuit?

No. Resistance does not flow. Resistance is the characteristic of a material that resists the movement of electrons and thus the flow of electrical current.

A fluid resistance to flow?

A fluid's resistance to flow is called viscosity.

Does resistance depend upon current?

The higher the resistance the lower the current flow. It restricts the flow of electrical current. The resistance will not depend upon the current. The current flow will depend on the resistance.

A fluid resistance to flow is called?

A fluid's resistance to flow is called its viscosity.

Are Basaltic lavas generally hotter and more viscous than andesite lavas?

Basaltic lavas are hotter, but less viscous than andesitic lavas.

Are Basaltic lavas are generally hotter and more viscous than andesite lavas?

No. Basaltic lavas are hotter and less viscous than andesitic lavas.

Viscosity is a fluids resistance to?


Does resistance to electrical current flow have the same meaning as resistance to fluid flow?

no, a better analog is reactance

How will you differ a resistor and resistance?

resistance is the hindrance caused to some flow be it flow of liquids,flow of positive charges etc. whereas resistor is the device used to vary the resistance of the electric circuit

How do you find the flow of liquid and viscosity?

resistance of flow such as honey