

What is learned emotions?

Updated: 11/3/2021
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7y ago

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Learned emotions are love, guilt, shame . These are learned from the parents and something you are not born with. Emotional characteristics are responses to things or people in the environment and the capacity of emotions are within a person. Sadness, anger, fear, happiness are all primary emotions

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Bettie Schuster

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What are learned emotions?

Learned emotions are emotions that develop over time through experiences and social interactions. They can be influenced by culture, upbringing, and environment, and may vary between individuals or groups based on their unique circumstances. Learning to recognize and manage these emotions is an important part of emotional intelligence.

What is the difference between primary emotions and learned emotions?

Primary emotions are innate and universal, such as happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, and disgust. Learned emotions are those that develop over time through socialization and personal experiences, like guilt, shame, pride, and jealousy. Primary emotions are considered more instinctual and common across all cultures, while learned emotions are shaped by individual upbringing and societal influences.

The three learned emotions are grief shame and?

The three learned emotions are grief, shame, and guilt. These emotions are developed through our experiences, upbringing, and societal influences. They can have a significant impact on our mental and emotional well-being.

Are anger and fear learned emotions?

Anger and fear are basic emotions that are believed to have an evolutionary component and can therefore be considered innate. However, how these emotions are expressed and managed can be influenced by learning and experiences. Learned behaviors can contribute to how individuals express and cope with anger and fear in various situations.

What are primary emotions?

Hope Fear Happiness Sadness Propathy AntipathyPerhaps there is more than one meaning for "primary emotions." In the context of emotions that could be combined to create any other emotions I could see those being a correct answer, but in Psychology, "primary emotions" are used to refer to culturally universal emotions which develop early in life due to mainly biological influences (for example, even blind children will smile when content, so it did not need to be learned):surprise, interest, joy, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust

How can dogs show emotions?

By the way it positions it's body. by snarling (showing its teeth in warning), growling or by wagging its tail. I also had a dog that learned (from humans) to smile when greeting you.

Why is laughter not learned like other acts of emotion?

== == * Laughter is a learned behavior, you are not born to laugh, it is not innate. As babies, we smile and laugh/giggle because it caused a reaction in our parents faces, we get a positive reaction to laughing so we continue to do it. Other emotions are a range of innate and learned emotions (that is how we feel): INNATE: anger, happiness, we all have the ability to love and hate, etc. However, learned behavior (that is how we react to any stimulus or do any action) because of emotions we already have cause us to respond to a stimuli: laughter, frowning, hugging, kicking, kissing, raising hand in class to offer an answer to a question, whistling. Those are learned behaviors yet there are innate behaviors such as sleeping, eating, blinking etc.== == * I believe we are born to enjoy laughter. Sometimes we just don't appreciate some things we should laugh at or perhaps have had too many traumas or tragedies in our lives and forgot how to laugh or, it could be the environment we grew up in (a family who does not laugh.) Scientists wouldn't tell us that trying to have 10 good belly laughs a day will keep sickness away if it was just a learned behavior. Like crying, if it was just a learned behavior then we'd never clean out our eye ducts! We are born with emotions and thankfully for most of us they are harmless emotions, but there is the odd one that slips through the cracks that is just plain mean to the bone. * I think that laughter is an instinct just like cats instincts to chase mice. Keep laughing you'll fell a lot better afterwards.

What lessons can be learned from reading A Separate Peace?

Some lessons that can be learned from reading A Separate Peace include the complexities of friendship, the impact of jealousy, and how facing one's fears can lead to personal growth. The novel also explores themes of identity, rivalry, and the consequences of denying one's true emotions.

Is it myriad emotions or myriad of emotions?

It is myriad of emotions.

Is arousing emotions the same as expressing emotions?

No, arousing emotions refers to triggering or bringing about specific feelings in oneself or others, while expressing emotions involves conveying or showing those feelings outwardly to others. Arousal is internal, while expression is external.

Do black bears have feelings and emotions?

yes! Yes, black bears have feelings and emotions. All mammals have some degree of feelings and emotions, and many non-mammalian species do as well. The human race has no monopoly on feelings and emotions.

What is emotional inteligence?

Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while other claim it is an inborn characteristic.