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The length of a human nerve cell ranges from a fraction of a inch to several feet while it's diameter is 0.001mm to 1 mm.

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Q: What is total length of neuron in human body?
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What are electrical junctions in the human body?

Electrical junctions in the human body are where the axons of nerves (singly called neurons) send a chemical to the dendrite(s) of nearby neuron(s), said chemical creating a weak electrical current in the next neuron. These neuron to neuron junctions are called, "Synapses".

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According to medicinenet, 60,000 miles!

What holds a neuron in place?

A neuron is a nerve cell that is the basic building block of the nervous system. Neurons are similar to other cells in the human body.

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cell body of neurons

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The human body was always available. Measures of length based on the human body are sufficiently accurate and consistent for basic purposes.

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While axons of the neuron are often mere micrometres thick, they can be up to a meter long (and longer in adults). This makes the neuron the longest cell in the body.

A neuron's cell body is termed what in the cns?

The cell body of a neuron is called the soma

What happens when schwann cells are killed in the humman body?

the human body does not have the ability to receive or transmit neuron impulses any more. Hope this helps

What type of cell is the longest in the human body?

The longest cells are neurons (nerve cells) with a length of 90cm-100cm linking the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to other parts of the body.

What cell remains the longest in cell division?

La célula más larga en el cuerpo humano seria el neuron. The longest cell in the human body would be the neuron.

What is the unit of nervous tissue in human body?

The unit of nervous tissue is called the neuron.