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Women are not allowed to vote, to drive, or to travel unless accompanied by a male relative. Women are allowed to attend universities but must go to classes separate from men. Although women are allowed to work, they can do so only in professions such as teaching and medicine in which they can avoid close contact with men.

Hope that answers it even though i just answered my own question!

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Q: What is life like for women in Saudi Arabia?
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What is every day life like in Saudi Arabia?

Life in Saudi Arabia...

When did women get right to vote in Saudi Arabia?

Women like men have the right to vote.

What are Saudi Arabians like?

The people of Saudi Arabia are very religious. Women are not as respected as men, and do not have the same type of freedoms as men do in the country.

What is the rural life like in Saudi Arabia?

It's very simple and quiet

Is there sex discrimination in employment in Saudi Arabia?

Yes, dear in Saudi Arabia female are not given job where they have to worked with men. Similarly in driving system of Saudi Arabia a woman can not have a driving license so unable drive is Saudi Arabia. Women can work only where interaction of women is with women like in photo studio. A male can not take a picture of female in studio for this purpose a lady photographer is appointed. These were two example for your question.

How do men and women socialize in Saudi Arabia?

Just like any other human being

If I am in saudi Arabia how can I get games like gta5?

If you are in Saudi Arabia you can buy games like GTA 5 and have them shipped to your country.

What are American women supposed to wear in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi's prefer all women to wear the Abaya, which is the black robe that Saudi women wear.

When oil was first discovered in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is a myth like Atlantis Source: CIA Factbook

Are women still not treated equally to men today?

In some countries, like in Saudi Arabia women cant drive , but that law is cultural/religious reasons. But the women there are fine with that

What is winter like in Saudi Arabia?

like spring in canada

You like too watch women dress in Saudi Arabia?

Yes. The abaya worn by women in Saudi Arabia gives the suggestion that the one who wears it is a modest, and an honourable woman. Even though, for Muslims their clothes must'NT only be the abaya. They can wear anything as long as it is compatible to Islamic moral values.