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Plate tectonics

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Q: What is likely to be found in subduction zones?
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Is Shield volcanoes found along subduction zones?

Cone volcanoes which are likely to erupt explosively are found at subduction zones. Spreading zones (constructive plate boundaries) and hot spots produce quieter volcanoes because their lava is thinner. The ones at hot spots are shield volcanoes.

A composite volcano is most likely to form where?

Composite volcanoes most often form near subduction zones.

Where can trenches be found?

Subduction zones

Where is andesitic magma found?

Andesite can be found around volcanoes with magma of intermediate composition, usually near subduction zones.

Are cinder cone volcanoes found on subduction zones?


The deepest earthquakes occur were?

In Subduction zones.

What deep feature of the ocean floor is found at subduction zones?

A trench.

Why are subduction zones not commonly found at continental-continental boundaries?

because the subduction eventually brings the two continents together.

Where are the most explosive volcanoes subduction zones or rift zones?

Explosive volcanoes are most common at subduction zones.

Why are subduction zones not commonly found at convergent continentals-continental boundaries?

because the subduction eventually brings the two continents together.

Why are subduction zones not commonly found at convergent continental- continental boundaries?

because the subduction eventually brings the two continents together.

Why are subduction zones not commonly found at convergent continental continental-continental boundaries?

because the subduction eventually brings the two continents together.