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because oshieotic crust is under Mantle is thicker

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Q: What is likely to form where oceanic crust is subducted under continental crust?
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Why oceanic crust is always subducted underneath continental crust?

Due to the higher density of the oceanic crust it is subducted underneath the continental crust.

Why is the oceanic plate subducted when an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate?

The Oceanic plate is subducted under the Continental plate because oceanic crust is much more dense than continental crust. The average density of the oceanic crust is 3g/cm^3 while the average density of continental crust is 2.7g/cm^3.

What do one oceanic and one continental crust produce when the oceanic crust is subducted under the continental one?

A trench and a strata volcano.

Why is oceanic crust always subducted underneath the continental crust?

Oceanic crust subducts under continental crust because it is denser. Continental crust's density is too low for it to be forced into the mantle.

When does a plate carrying continental crust converges with a plate carrying oceanic crust?

The oceanic plates gets subducted or goes under the continental plate

Why is oceanic lithosphere subducted while continental lithosphere is not?

The density of the continental (granitic) lithosphere is lower than oceanic (basaltic) lithosphere. Consequently, due to buoyancy, the continental crust rides above the oceanic lithosphere and thus is not subducted. However, it is thought that pieces of the continental lithosphere break off and are subducted along with the oceanic lithosphere.

Convegent boundarie what changes to the crust occur?

The crust is compressed into mountains (if it is continental crust) or subducted back into the mantle if it is oceanic crust.

Why is oceanic crust younger than the continental crust?

oceanic crust is constantly being subducted and replaced with new material at places like the mid Atlantic ridge.

Where are the elder parts of the ocean floor located?

Oceanic crust is created at mid-ocean ridges and (through the creation of new oceanic crust) is pushed toward a convergent plate boundary where it is subducted. So the oldest oceanic crust would be located at a convergent plate boundary where the oceanic crust is being subducted under continental crust.

Why is oceanic crust subducted under continental crust?

Continental crust is less dense and cooler than oceanic crust and less dense and cooler than the asthenosphere, therefore instead of subducting, it is pushed upward in a collision between continents, or floats over a subducting oceanic crust.

Why is the oldest oceanic crust is considerably than the oldest continental rock?

Oceanic crust is more dense than continental crust. As a result, over time, continental crust is harder to "recycle". Rocks are recycled when they are subducted and remelted. Since continental crust is harder to subduct (it wants to keep floating), it is not recycled as much as oceanic crust, which is dense and will sink and remelt.

What happens with a plate of oceanic crust collides with a plate of continental crust?

The oceanic plate is made of denser (and thinner) rock than the continental crust, so the oceanic plate gets subducted (pushed underneath) where it descends and gets melted by geothermal heat.