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Q: What is likely to happen to a lawn's dandelion population?
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What is the habitat of a dandelion?

Dandelions are capable of leaving in different places but prefer lawns, paths, waste ground, pastures and road verges

What would happen to the organisms if several house owners fertilize their lawns followed by a big rain?

The fertilizer could cause an algal bloom, which would deplete oxygen in the water and likely make the water toxic. Fish and animals that drink the water are likely to die.

How can a seed on a dandelion be spread?

A Dandelion uses Wind to spread the seeds. When the dandelion turns white and fluffy, wind can pick up the seeds, since they are attached to the fluff. Next time you see a fluffy white dandelion, pull off some of the fluff and take a look. You will see tiny seeds attached at the bottom!

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Yes, you can use it. Will it do any good? Not likely...

What would happen to the organism if several house owners nearby fertilized their lawns followed by a big rain?

The fertilizer could cause an algal bloom, which would deplete oxygen in the water and likely make the water toxic. Fish and animals that drink the water are likely to die.

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A dandelion is a common plant all over the world, especially in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. It is a well known example of a plant that is considered a weed in some contexts (such as lawns) but not a weed in others (such as when it is used as a leaf vegetable).

Who is Lush Lawns?

Lush Lawns is a gardening company

Tony can mow two lawns in 3 hr At this rate how many lawns can he mow in 9hr?

he can mow 6 lawns he can mow 6 lawns

Why was it hard for farmers after World War 1?

Because the vampire population grew in 1911-1918 and they came and pooped on the farmer's lawns.

Taylor mows lawns every day in June except Sundays . He needs to mow 21 lawns this week and plans to mow the same number of lawns each day How any lawns does Taylor need to mow each day?

Since it is not June now, he can mow lawns every day of the week. That means he mows 3 lawns each day.

What is green and covers lawns and fields?

"Grass" is green and covers lawns and fields.

Does latex paint fertilize lawns?

NO, paint of any kind will definitely NOT fertilize lawns.