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I think it's your heart because its LHL (Lung, Heart, Lung) and then the ribs protect those organs.

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Q: What is located between the ribs and lungs?
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What organ is located behind the ribs and between the lungs?


Where is a horses heart located?

A horse's heart is located in the same place as a human's. It is between the lungs and ribs and above the diaphragm.

What is located under your ribs?

your lungs and your heart

Where are the lungs located in relation to the ribs?


What is in between human ribs?

Several organs are located between the ribcage and the back. These organs include the kidneys, heart, and both of the lungs.

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the small potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura.

Explain what causes the lungs to inflate in light of the fact that the lungs themselves do not have any skeletal muscle?

The inter coastal muscles in between the ribs make the ribs expand. the pleural membrane is like a slippery skin that sticks to the ribs and when they expand the lungs expand aswell.

Which muscle is located between the ribs cage?

Intercostal musles are present between the ribs.

What prevents friction between the lungs and the ribs when breathing?

the flesh and padding muscles in between each

What is inside ribs?


Where are your lungs located in body?

Your lungs are in the thoracic cavity, which includes the chest down to the diaphragm. The lungs are located on both sides of the heart in pleural cavities.Source:

Is the lungs inferior Superior anterior posterior or lateral to the ribs?

the lungs are anterior to the ribs