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Laurie Hammes

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Q: What is made from lipids and diffuse freely into cells through the plasma?
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What is made from lipids and diffuse freely into cells through the plasma membrane?


What does not freely diffuse through the plasma membrane?


What substance is most likely to passively diffuse across the plasma membrane by dissolving in the membrane?

Nonpolar molecules like lipid-soluble substances (e.g., steroid hormones, oxygen, and carbon dioxide) are most likely to passively diffuse across the plasma membrane by dissolving in the lipid bilayer. This type of diffusion does not require a specific transport protein and can occur directly through the phospholipid bilayer due to the molecules' hydrophobic nature.

What Substances that can freely dissolve through the plasma membrane are made of?

Substances that can freely dissolve through the plasma membrane are generally small and nonpolar molecules, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and ethanol. These molecules are able to pass through the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane without requiring a specific transport protein.

Can lipids dissolve in blood plasma?

Yes, lipids can dissolve in blood plasma. However, since blood is mostly water, lipids such as cholesterol and triglycerides typically require carrier molecules called lipoproteins to travel in the bloodstream. Lipoproteins help transport lipids through the aqueous environment of the blood.

How do lipid or oil get through plasma cell membrane?

Lipids and oils are able to move through the plasma cell membrane via simple diffusion. The lipid bilayer structure of the membrane allows for the passive and selective movement of non-polar molecules, such as lipids and oils, without the need for energy input.

How does nitric oxide cross the plasma membrane?

Nitric oxide can diffuse freely across the plasma membrane due to its small size and lipophilic nature. It does not require a specific transporter or receptor for entry into cells.

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What is the main reason Na and K ions CANNOT easily diffuse through plasma membranes?

they are hydrophilic and can't cross the hydrophobic region of the plasma membrane

Why are lipids difficult to transport in plasma?

Lipids are hydrophobic molecules that do not dissolve well in the watery environment of plasma. To be transported in plasma, lipids are packaged into lipoprotein particles. These lipoproteins have a hydrophilic shell that allows them to remain soluble in the blood while carrying lipids such as cholesterol and triglycerides. Without the lipoproteins, lipids would clump together and form insoluble particles in the plasma.

Transport protein that provides a tubelike opening in the plasma membrane through which particles can diffuse?

Channel Protein.