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the skeletal system

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It's the skeletal system...

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Q: What is made up of musclebonesligaments and tendons?
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Related questions

Are tendons primarily made up of cardiac tissue?

No, only the heart is made up of cardiac tissue.

What type of cartilage are tendons and ligaments made of?

tendons and cartilage are made of collagen tissue

Are tendons made up of dense irregular connective tissue?

Yes. An example is in the dermis, which is very vascular. Dense regular connective tissue is not, however (consists of tendons and ligaments). The other kind of CT that is not vascular is cartilage. Source: medical school lectures

Does playing video games build finger strength?

Not really. You can't exercise tendons the way you would a muscle. Thumbs and fingers are made up entirely of tendons, there's no muscle in there.

Why are ligament and tendons made up of dense connective tissue?

Ligaments connect bones to other bones, and tendons connect muscles to bones; since connection is their function, it is logical that they should be made of connective tissue, don't you think?

What kind of tissue forms tendons?

Tendons are made of fibrous connective tissue. They are mostly collagen.Collagen Type I

Muscles are connected to bone with?

Tendons connect muscles to bone at the muscle's origin or it's insertion. They are made up of connective tissue, which is a tough fibrous material rich in collagen. Similar material connects bones with each other, except the name is different: those are ligaments.

Which limbs of a human have tendons in them?

All the limbs of a human have tendons in them. Tendons are strong cords of fibrous connective tissue that attach muscles to bones, allowing for movement of the limbs.

What is a body joint made out of?

ligaments and tendons and bones!!!!!!!!!

What is a string made from ligaments or tendons called?


What are tendonts?

Tendons are made up of tough band of fibrous connective tissues which join bones and muscles together and are capable of withstanding tension!

What are tendons made of and what do attach to as they attach to muscles?

At a muscle-tendon junction, the union is made by