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Q: What is mageirocophobia the irrational fear of?
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What phobia is the fear of cooking?


What is the fear of cooking called?

It is called 'Mageirocophobia'.

What is kathisophobia?

an irrational fear of sitting down. an irrational fear of sitting down.

Can you use irrational in a sentence?

His fear of rain was irrational. Even though it was an irrational fear, he couldn't stand raindrops.

Hippiphobia is the fear of what?

The irrational fear of hippies.

What is the pobia of cooking?

The phobia? Mageirocophobia.

What is the phobia of Allah?

Theophobia- the irrational fear of a god or deity. Remember its only a phobia if its an "irrational" fear, a normal healthy fear is not a phobia.

What is ailurophobic a fear of?

it's the irrational fear of cats.

Chornophobia is the fear of what?

An exaggerated or irrational fear of time

What phobia is the fear of quiet?

Sedatephobia- The fear of silence; this is an irrational fear of silence.

What is nosophobia a fear of?

Nosophobia is the irrational fear of having a disease.

What is the irrational fear of ghosts?
