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Q: What is magnetic polarity how does the oceanic crust record the polarity?
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How does oceanic crust record polarity?

By going from north to south

Is there magnetic strips on the ocean floor are places where oceanic crust sink back to the mantle?

Is there magnetic stripe son the ocean floor are places where oceanic crust sink back to the mantle

Explain how the processes of sea-floor spreading and magnetic reversal produce bands of oceanic crust that have different magnetic polarities?

Based on earth's magnetic field, new oceanic crust that is created is polarized one way or the other at creation. The new crust is created by gaps between oceanic plates where magma comes out and hardens. This crust is pushed away from the spreading center by a few processes (if you want to learn more look up slab pull, slab suction and, most importantly, ridge push). Lets say the crust that is being created at a spreading center can have polarization N (north) or S (south). First crust with polarization N comes out, then after the magnetic poles flip crust with polarization S is coming out. This alternation of the crust that is being pushed from the spreading center causes the bands. You should look at some diagrams to understand it better.

Which evidence causes most scientists to believe that seafloor spreading occurs at the mid-atlantic ridge?

Oceanic crust on both sides ofthe ridge shows matching patterns of reversed and normal magnetic polarity

Do magnetic stripes on the ocean floor oceanic crust sink back into the mantle?

Eventually the oceanic crust, along with the magnetically aligned minerals contained within, will be subducted into the mantle.

What is the name of ocean crust?

oceanic crust.

True or false magnetic stripes on the ocean floor are places where oceanic crust sinks back to the mantle?


Oceanic crust is lighter than the continental crust?

No, the oceanic crust is denser. That's why the land areas "float" so much higher than the ocean bedrock.

What is oceanic-oceanic subduction?

Oceanic crust sinking under a plate with continental crust

What does it mean if the oceanic crust 0?

the oceanic crust is 0.

Is the oceanic crust felsic or mafic?

Oceanic crust is mafic.

Where are the youngest portion of Earth's crust found?

The youngest parts of the Earth's crust are found in the oceanic crust. This crust is continuously being created at the mid-oceanic ridges.