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One opinion: the discovery of time

Man's single greatest achievement is the discovery of time. With out this discovery agriculture would not have flourished as it has, and our ability to navigate space ships or in and out of the Earth's orbit would be non-existent. It is our discovery of time and our understanding of orbital variations that has and will continue to mark the upward surge of mankind.

Another opinion: Ability to work together & form a community

Our greatest achievement is our ability to come together as a group, as a community, and as a society. Civilization and all significant human achievements would not have been possible otherwise. The passing and exchanging of knowledge is a function of our ability to work together. The accrued knowledge accumulated from the achievements of pass generations made all modern achievements possible.

Another opinion: Moon Landing

1961, first man in space, marking the first time any natural creature that we know of has left the biosphere and 1969 with the moon landing. Signifying the first creatures in the history of earth to settle a different planetoid. Not only leaving their natural environment but leaving the planet upon which they evolved is in my opinion our greatest achievement.

Another opinion: Cloning

5, July 1996 Dolly the Sheep is cloned with success, living a long healthy life. With the ability to clone, man has reached a level of technology that allows the creation of life though a none natural process. In a sense the only other creature known to have this ability is that of a god or God.

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5d ago

It is subjective to determine a single greatest achievement, but notable accomplishments include scientific advancements, exploration of space, development of technology, and social progress in human rights.

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Continue Learning about Philosophy

What do you think Socrates greatest achievement was?

Socrates' greatest achievement was his method of questioning and challenging established beliefs, known as the Socratic method. Through his approach, he encouraged critical thinking, self-examination, and the pursuit of truth. This method of teaching had a profound impact on Western philosophy and continues to influence education and ethical reasoning today.

What are Montesquieu's Greatest Achievements?

Montesquieu's greatest achievements include his contributions to political theory, particularly his concept of the separation of powers and his exploration of the importance of political institutions in maintaining liberty. His work, "The Spirit of the Laws," remains a foundational text in the fields of political science and law, influencing the development of democratic government systems. Additionally, Montesquieu's ideas on the balance of power between different branches of government have been influential in shaping constitutional frameworks around the world.

What are the ethos of the July 16 1969 launch a symbol of mans greatness?

The July 16, 1969 launch of Apollo 11 symbolized human innovation, courage, and determination. It showcased our ability to push the boundaries of exploration and achieve what was once thought impossible, inspiring generations to dream big and reach for the stars. It demonstrated mankind's capacity for collaboration and achievement in the pursuit of knowledge and progress.

What is the single achievement in your life of which you are most proud?

I am proud of completing my degree in [insert field of study]. It required dedication, persistence, and hard work, and achieving this milestone has opened up new opportunities for me.

What is a concept from classical Athens that is central to western political thought today?

The concept of democracy, which emerged in classical Athens, continues to be central to Western political thought today. The idea of citizens participating in governance, the rule of law, and individual rights are all principles that originated in classical Athens and have influenced modern political systems globally.

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