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Mass society is a description associated with society in the modern, industrial era. Mass society first came about in the late 19th century during and after the Second Industrial Revolution. Mass society as an ideology can be accounted for by attending to the term most often used as the polar opposite of mass, namely elite. A form of society theoretically identified as dominated by a small number of interconnected elites who control the conditions of life of the many, often by means of persuasion and manipulation. This indicates the politics of mass society theorists; they are advocates of various kinds of cultural elite who should be privileged and promoted over the masses, claiming for themselves both exemption from and leadership of the misguided masses.

The main characteristics of the mass society in Europe at this time can be associated with the Second Industrial Revolution, but other important features included a vastly improved urban environment, new patterns of social structure, gender issues, and mass leisure. The Second Industrial Revolution gave rise to new patterns of industrial production, mass consumption, and working-class organization. New patters of industrial production were seen in the many new materials and markets that were created by the Second Industrial Revolution. Such materials were steel instead of iron and better chemicals were being used. Electricity was also rediscovered, making for many improvements in other areas. Mass consumption obviously went along with this, because as new products came out, it was natural that the general public would want and need them. Working-class organization came out in the form of trade unions. Most trade unions were unsuccessful because they were decentralized, but those in England and Germany were exemplars of how unions should work.

A vastly improved urban environment was due to the need for more sanitary living conditions in cities because the population had grown so much. One of the ways living conditions were improved was the Public Health Act of 1875, which overall set regulations on housing to make it more sanitary. Cities were also redesigned. One of the best examples of this was Paris under the rule of Napoleon III. Paris used to have a confusing layout and narrow streets, but Napoleon III made it much more geometrical. He widened the streets for military reasons, but also added parks, town halls, gardens, and fountains, making the city cleaner and more likeable.

New patterns of social structure also came about because of the rise in population. The classes below the elite were seen to be intruding on the elite by those in the upper classes. The masses, or lower classes, were doing and wearing things that used to be only for the elite, but now anyone could do what the elite could do, because of revolutions in transportation and an economic boost. This was seen in the leisure of the masses.

Gender issues came about over the role of women. It was much debated in this time period whether women should continue their traditional role of staying at home with the children, or joining the workforce. May women chose to join the workforce. This proved to be a good idea for some, because there were many jobs to fill because of the Second Industrial Revolution.

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Eloise Upton

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