

What is material development?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What is material development?
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Why are chromosomal translocations often not a problem?

Because if the same amount of genetic material is present, then the individual has all the correct material for normal development. In this case it is called a "balanced translocation" or BT. If there is extra genetic material (duplications) or of some of it is missing (deletions) then the individual most often has problems relating to physical and/or mental development. This is known as an "unbalanced translocation" or UBT. Duplications and deletions of genetic material also often result in miscarriage of the embryo. If the embryo survives, it very often has severe complications. So in cases of repeated miscarriage, it is important for the parents be be tested for possible chromosome issues.

Is factor of safety of brittle material half of ductile material?

is factor of safety of brittle material half of ductile material

What is the 3 basic types of surface development?

There are three major kinds of surface development 1. parallel line development 2. radial line development 3. triangulation development By: Ossan abad

During the course of development do cells lose genetic information?

Differential gene expression is not a result of differential loss of the genetic material, DNA, except in the case of the immune system. That is, genetic information is not lost as cells become determined and begin to differentiate.

What is the difference between rapid application development and joint application design?

Joint application development being together the users and the IT professionals for input on development. Rapid application development is designed to get development done as quickly as possible.

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Development administration involves both the deployment of human and material resources to achieve a higher view of place or situation while administration of development involves or is simply a process by which these human and material resources arer managed and utilized.

How does didactic material help in the development of the child?

it helps them learn.

Differentiation of cells during development is directly related to the function of?

Genetic material

What is the importance of cleavage in embryonic development?

Cleavage produces the number of cells needed for the future organisation of the embryo, shifts and compartmentalises the egg material and balances out the nuclear and cytoplasmic material. Development is initiated by cleavage.

Definition of development concept by UN?

According to UN charter,Development is concerned not only with material or physical wants of man but with the improvement of social condition of man.

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Barbara Usherwood has written: 'The development of teaching material for severely mentally handicapped children'

In the Civil Engineering field Materials Engineering is the development of what?

In the field of civil engineering, material engineering is the development of concrete, mix asphalt concrete, and strong metals such as steel. Alloying is another aspect of materials engineering.

Concrete an eco-friendly material?

Concrete is not a eco-friendly material due to the fact that when you make concrete it releases toxic fuems that damage the O-zone layer making it not eco-friendly or a Sustainable Development

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The most common remedies for static charge development during the coating process including discharging it and grounding the material. This will control the charge and allow the process to be completed successfully.

Building material?

Their building material was mud.

What is blocking the development of thorium fusion?

Thorium is not a fissile material; the fission with neutrons is not important. Thorium was proposed a as a fertile material.Thorium is not involved in nuclear fusion.

What are the tree steps soil horizons form from?

soil development has 5 factors that affect its horizons. parent material, climate, biota, topography and time