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Word; Freeze Definitions: * stop moving or become immobilized; "When he saw the police car he froze" * change to ice; "The water in the bowl froze" * be cold; "I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on" * cause to freeze; "Freeze the leftover food" * stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it; "Suspend the aid to the war-torn country" * be very cold, below the freezing point; "It is freezing in Kalamazoo" * the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solid * prohibit the conversion or use of (assets); "Blocked funds"; "Freeze the assets of this hostile government" * weather cold enough to cause freezing * anesthetize by cold * an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement; "a halt in the arms race"; "a nuclear freeze" * suddenly behave coldly and formally; "She froze when she saw her ex-husband" * fixing (of prices or wages etc) at a particular level; "a freeze on hiring"

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9y ago

To freeze something means to turn it into ice or another solid. This typically occurs because the item is exposed to extreme cold.

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If you mean the freezing point of water and what the weather men refer to as freezing, then it is 32 0F.

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It can be. Literally, freezing to death means that your body temperature drops so low that you cannot stay alive. However, many people use this as an exaggeration to mean that they are just cold. They might reach for a sweater and say "I'm freezing to death in here with that air conditioning blowing!"

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congelar, or congelarse

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I do not believe there is any animal that can survive when their body temp is below freezing. There are quite a few that can handle below freezing temps but their body temperature will always be much warmer than the air or water. Polar bears, seals, whales, arctic foxes etc

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blood outside the body