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some one tell me where a good store to buy a ps vita

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Q: What is meaning ceramic and heat proof glass?
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What is ceramic and heat proof glass?

some one tell me where a good store to buy a ps vita

Is ceramic a bad conductor of heat?

No, ceramics are generally poor conductors of heat due to their molecular structure, which prevents the efficient transfer of energy. This makes them useful for applications requiring insulation or heat-resistance.

Why does liquid heat faster when microwaved in a glass cup instead of a ceramic mug?

Glass is a poor conductor of heat compared to ceramic, which allows the heat to penetrate the liquid more effectively. The smooth surface of glass also helps to evenly distribute the heat, resulting in faster heating compared to the rough surface of a ceramic mug.

What is the advantage of a glass coffee mug over a ceramic one?

Coffee mugs are usually made of ceramic earthenware materials instead of glass, because materials such as porcelain retain heat better than glass. If glass gets too hot, it will shatter.

What kind of glass should be used in a wood burning stove?

Ceramic or neo-ceramic. It is designed to radiate heat.

Why does a ceramic disk keep water from boiling over?

Because the ceramic or glass disc rattles as the water boils alerting you that the water is boiling therefore you do not forget about it and it does not boil over. Besides functioning as an audible alerter, the ceramic or glass disc will absorb excess heat in the pot. This is especially true when you are boiling something starchy such as rice or pasta. The layer of starch floats to the surface of the water and prevents the water from giving off it's excess heat. The ceramic or glass disc absorbs this extra heat and prevents the water from super-heating and boiling over.

What is the use of a heat-proof mat in laboratory?

A heat-proof mat is used in the laboratory to provide a protective barrier between hot equipment, such as Bunsen burners or hot plates, and the laboratory bench surface. This helps prevent damage to the bench, reduce the risk of accidents, and ensure safe handling of hot materials during experiments.

Why do people use cooking pot made of metal?

Metal absorbs, transfers and spreads the heat better than ceramic or glass.

Which is bad conductor of electricity but good conductor of heat?

glass, ceramic,diamond, are somtricitytte of the conductor of hear but bad conductor of electricity meher n sethna

Which element is a poor conductor of heat Aluminum Iron Ceramic or Zinc?

Ceramic is a poor conductor of heat compared to aluminum, iron, and zinc. This is because ceramic materials have a lower thermal conductivity, meaning heat does not easily pass through them like it does through metals.

What type of flooring is best over radiant floor heat?

Ceramic. Ceramic.

Are ceramic heat retentive plates on the market yet?

Yes, ceramic heat retentive plates are being sold on,, and