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Q: What is means by efficacy of bulb?
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What is efficacy label?

The term efficacy means "ability to produce results" or "effectiveness." so the efficacy labels on disinfectant products is to inform the user about what the product is "effective in fighting against."

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word efficacy?

Efficacy is a noun that means "the ability to produce a desired or intended result." Therefore, an example of a sentence using the word efficacy is, "Chemotherapy has been shown to have an efficacy to stop cancerous cells from growing."

What does political efficacy means?

The belief that political involvement can bring about change

What is civic efficacy?

Civic Efficacy is one of the goals of effective social studies education. It basically means learning how to be a good citizen by utilizing skills such as voting, knowing and following laws, etc.

People vote out of self-interest This means that they are more likely to participate if they have a sense of?

political efficacy.

How can ordinary citizens have an impact on public policy?

political efficacy

What is Efficacy?

The belief that political involvement can bring about change

What is a sentence using the word efficacy?

Efficacy means useful, or able to perform a task satisfactorily. An example sentence would be: She examined the efficacy of the new grading tool at the end of the school year and decided that, because of all the bugs, it was practically useless.

Difference between efficacy and effectiveness?

Efficacy is the capacity to produce an effect. It is these conditions that distinguish efficacy from the related concept of effectiveness, which relates to change under real-life conditions. -- Wikipedia: "efficacy"

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What does 40W mean on a light bulb?

It means that the power consumption of the bulb is 40 watts.