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Cryptogram means naming of viruses. It consists of 4 pairs of part.

The cryptogram of TMV virus is

R/1, 200000/5%, E/E,S/A

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Q: What is meant by cryptogram of tmv virus?
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Related questions

What is TMV?

Tobacco Mosaic Virus

do you know about the virus that was crystallized for the first time?

TMV or Tobacco Mosaic Virus

What is the name of the virus that infects tobacco plants?

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)

Who was martinus begrimimg?

he discovered the first virus TMV

What is the full form tmv?

Tobacco Mosaic Virus

Is the tobacco mosaic virus a decomposer?

No, TMV can only grow in a living plant. Once the plant dies TMV can no longer multiply in it's host.

What is cryptogram of virus?

Do you mean "what is a cryptogram virus?". If the answer is yes, then i have your solution. Cryptogram viruses are very dangerous viruses that infect your computer and then encrypt it, so that nothing, not even the Operating System, can read your computer except for the virus. Cryptogram viruses count as ransomware, which is a type of malware that after infection, the creator of the virus demands that you pay them a rather large sum of money in order to unlock your computer from the virus' grip. If you don't pay them the money, they will hack your computer regardless and basically rob you of everything if they are that skilled. Generally, they are not. Just be careful of what your download off the Internet (Rule #1 to keeping your computer virus free).

What are a few names of viruses?

some viruses are....., tmv ,hiv ,rhinovirus ,rhabdo virus ,paramyxo virus, arbo virus, hepatitis virus,bacteriophage etc.

What does the TMV virus do?

well you see once infected with tmv virus in 3 hours you will notice instense growth of facial hair, within 8 hours the skin will start turning lime green and you will feel strange urge to consume fried geese

How martinus beijerinck discover the first virus?

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is an RNA virus that infects plants, especially tobacco and other members of the family Solanaceae. The infection causes characteristic patterns (mottling and discoloration) on the leaves (hence the name). TMV was the first virus to be discovered. Although it was known from the late 19th century that an infectious disease was damaging tobacco crops, it was not until 1930 that the infectious agent was determined to be a virus. Please improve this answer if you know exactly how he discovered this virus.

What part of speech is cryptogram?

Cryptogram is a noun.

Discovery that viruses act more like a chemical than an organism came from work with the?

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). It was discovered that TMV could be crystallized, like a chemical, and still retain its ability to cause disease in plants. This finding challenged the prevailing view that viruses were organisms, leading to the recognition of viruses as complex biological molecules rather than living entities.