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Q: What is meant by diploid cell (2n) and gamete (1n)?
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What are the possible gametes for AAA AAA?

A gamete is haploid (1N) so 'Aa' & 'AA' are diploid and during cell division (mitosis) gametes are formed and then 2 gametes merge together to make a diploid (think of sperm and egg, each is haploid or 1N, when fertilization occurs the egg and sperm form 1 cell that is 2N or diploid). So the possible gametes for 'Aa' would be 'A' & 'a' while for 'AA' the only gametes possible are 'A' If the question is asking what the possible gametes are for 'AaBB' the haploid (gamete) can be 'AB' or 'aB'

How does a haploid gamete get a 1n number of chromosomes and a 1n amount of DNA?

By the process of meiosis.

How many chromosomes are in an egg if the diploid number of the liver cell is 52?

An unfertilized egg would be the organism that has a 2N number of 52 would have a 1N number of 26.

What is a haploid reproductive cell?

A gamete. During meiosis I all chromosomes are replicated so there are two copies of each chromosome. Then, during meiosis II the process (generally speaking) is repeated without the replication step resulting in cells (called gametes) that contain only ONE copy of each chromosome. This is what's known as a haploid cell (n). When two haploid cells combine in humans (sperm and egg), the resulting cell (zygote) is now diploid (2n) and contains one full set of chromosomes.

How many chromosomes will an organism have in its body cells if the gametes contain 25 chromesones?

Mostly likely 50. Most organisms are diploid (2n), gametes are haploid (1n). If there are 25 chromosomes in the gamete, 25x2 = 50.

Name the type of cell division described by 2n to 2n?

Human body cells that are 2n are called "diploid"

Biologists use what symbol to represent one set of chromosomes?

The number of chromosomes in a cell is represented by the letter "n". A cell can be haploid (n or 1n), diploid (2n), triploid (3n), etc. A gamete is haploid and would be represented by n, or half of a diploid (2n). Some notations will say the chromosome number (in humans for example), n equals 23 or n=23. Likewise, a diploid cell would be denoted by 2n=46.

What is a haploid daughter cell?

Haploid and Diploid refer to the fraction of genetic information a cell contains. Almost all the cells in the human body are diploid (2n) because they contain all of the genetic information of the individual of which they are a part. Gametes (sperm and ova), however, are haploid (1n) because they only contain one half of the total genetic information of the cell they were spawned from. This is why a sperm (1n) and an ova (1n) must fuse to create a new individual (2n). Some simple organisms (such as some yeasts) can exist as 1n or 2n depending on what part of their life cycle they are on. So a diploid cell can undergo a process (called meiosis) to make four haploid daughter cells (it is four haploid cells and not two haploid cells because each adult cell will have two copies of the chromosome from the mother and the father before division).

What is a sperm composed?

what is it composed of? it has a flagella to help it move, and the head has half the genetic code (to be matched up with the egg) it is a 1n cell, upon meeting the egg, they make a diploid 2n cell.

Is a plant a haploid or diploid cell? is a remnant of the archegonium wall of the gametophyte.

Hexaploid wheat was produced synthetically by He and coworkers They mated the diploid species Aegilops tauschii and the tetraploid species T turgidum what is an accurate statem?

Aegilops tauschii contributed two chromosomes, and T. turgidum contributed four chromosomes.Diploid = 2n. Tetraploid = 4n. Hexaploid = 6n.Therefore, following meiosis you get 1n + 2n = 3n.3n gamete ---> 6n somatic cell.

The chromosome number after meiosis is denoted as?

Multiply the diploids by the haploids and divide by 2 to get the chromosome number.