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Suppose Sum Assured (SA) on your insurance policy is Rs. 1 crore. Then if it has a Double Accident Benefit (DAB) rider then, in case of your accidental death, the nominee would get double the SA i.e. Rs. 2 crore.

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Q: What is meant by double accident benefit in life insurance policy?
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How do you use the term Double Indemnity in a sentence?

My life insurance policy has double indemnity and will pay my heirs twice the benefit value if I am killed in an accident.

How are accidental death benefits paid out when they double?

If your life insurance death benefit is for $100,000 and you have a 100,000 accidental death benefit rider and you die in an accident then your policy would pay $200,000.

What can be added to an insurance policy to allowed the insured to receive a higher benefit?

Double indemnity can be added to an insurance policy to allow the insured to receive a higher benefit.

What can be added to an insurance policy to allow the insured to receive a higher benefit-?

Double indemnity can be added to an insurance policy to allow the insured to receive a higher benefit.

What can be added to an insurance policy to allow the insurance to receive a higher benefit?

double indemnity. -Chrly

How much does life insurance multiply by if you die on a business trip?

It does not necessartily "mulitply" by anything. It depends upon the terms and conditions of the policy. Often policies have a "DAB" [Double Accident Benefit] clause whereby, upon death ocurring through an accident, the benefit is DOUBLED.

Is there any limit for accident benefit in life insurance?

In life insurance policy, you can have accidental coverage equal to the sum insured amount, by paying extra premia. By this way, you can avail accidental coverage policy in a life insurance policy.

What can be added to an insurance policy to allow the insured to receive higher benefit?

double indemnity. -Chrly

What can be added to an insurance policy to allow the insured to receive a higher benefit?

double indemnity. -Chrly

What is accident policy?

An accident policy is an insurance policy that will pay all or a portion of medical expenses incurred in the course of an accident.

What is the purpose of the accident plan?

It could be an insurance policy taken out with an insurance company in case of an accident.

What is double indeminity?

Double indemnity means paying twice the benefit. For example, a life insurance policy that will pay twice the death benefit for death by injury (rather than disease).