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Q: What is meant by hysteresis error of a transducer?
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What is meant by Voltage Transducer?

A transducer converts a form of energy to another form (usually voltage). e.g. A Current Transducer would read a current, and output a range of voltage that's related to the current. A voltage transducer is used when the voltage is too high or too low to be detected. A voltage transducer essentially transforms the voltage signal to something readable (e.g. Transforming 0~1000V to 0~5V)

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Is hysteresis desirable in a transducer why?

Not usually. In most applications you want a linear response in voltage to stimulus with as low a time constant for change as possible. This is the ideal and not completely achievable or justified by the cost. As a rule the smaller the stimulus being measured the less desirable hysteresis. Think of an elephant sitting on the scale it takes some moments for the springs and counter weights to reach an equilibrium. A funny thing though. In biology most sensory receptors show some type of hysteresis. That may be because they respond with a frequency encoded response though.

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It is a special type of synchronous motor.It works on the principle of hysteresis and the torque is produced due to hysteresis

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List of active transducer?

thermocouple,piezoelectric transducer,photoelectric transducer.

What is meant by voltage?

A transducer converts a form of energy to another form (usually voltage). e.g. A Current Transducer would read a current, and output a range of voltage that's related to the current. A voltage transducer is used when the voltage is too high or too low to be detected. A voltage transducer essentially transforms the voltage signal to something readable (e.g. Transforming 0~1000V to 0~5V)

Aircraft instrument affected by hysteresis error?

a diaphragm displacement gives 2 possible pressures, elastic after-effect finally compensates the measurement --> time lag

How do you calculate hysteresis?

max hysteresis = max(O_decreasing - O_increasing) / (O_max - O_min)

Who invented transducer?

transducer was invented by

LBDT is used as which transducer?

displacement transducer

What is prncipal of transducer?

The basic principle of a transducer: A transducer which converts a physical quantity to the electrical quantity.