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Multi-cloud approach is the associated use of two or more cloud services to minimize the risk of general data loss or downtime due to a localized component failure in a cloud computing environment.

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Q: What is meant by multi-cloud computing?
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Computing Environment is a collection of computers / machines, software, and networks that support the processing and exchange of electronic information meant to support various types of computing solutions.

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The concept of cloud computing (in English, cloud computing) refers to the use of memory and storage and computation capabilities of computers and shared servers and networked through the Internet, following the principle of grid computing.

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FAQ Is a commonly used term meaning Frequently Asked Questions, So Cloud Computing FAQ means they are talking about Questions that are frequently asked about cloud computing.

What is cloud computing environment?

Computing Environment is a collection of computers / machines, software, and networks that support the processing and exchange of electronic information meant to support various types of computing solutions.

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Can you give me technology words?

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The term "word" in computing is referring to a space of type. When typing information on a keyboard each stroke is counted. Every time five strokes are made, the computer counts it as one word.

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SOA refers to the SOA meta-model. Some technicians would like to implement it into the cloud computing system. Although people think they are the same they are actually two different products.

What is meant by cloud computing statistics?

Cloud computing is a way to store computer files and programs off of a physical server by storing it on a virtual server or network that you can access through the internet and maintained by a large software company. Cloud computing statistics refers to the size of the data stored on cloud servers and the market share or how much revenue is being generated by cloud computing.

What is meant by processor in operating system?

the CPU (central processing unit) in a computer is the number-cruncher which is the core of any computing system.

What is meant by basics of cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a more network-based computing solution. When using the cloud, instead of just saving data to your own device (PC, laptop, game console) you're saving it online where it can be accessed by any other device you're using that's connected to the cloud.

What is meant by cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a service via the internet which allows you to access all your information without having to use any one particular computer. It is very much like having all your information stored in a remote location in Cyberspace, allowing you and anyone you give permission, to access this information. So to define cloud computing would be to have cloud computing explained so that it can be understood.