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The normal ph of arterial blood is 7.4, that of venous blood and IF is 7.35, and that of ICF averages 7.0. The lower pH in cells and venous blood reflects their greater amounts of acidic metabolites and carbon dioxide, which combines with water to from carbonic acid, H2CO3. Whenever the pH of arterial blood rises above 7.45, a person is said to have alkalosis or alkalemia. A drop in arterial pH to below 7.35 results in acidosis or academia. Because pH 7.0 is neutral, chemically speaking 7.35 is not acidic. However, it is a higher-than -optimal H+ concentration for most cells, so any arterial pHbetween 7.35 and 7.0 is called physiological acidosis.

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Q: What is meant by physiological acidosis when the blood pH is between 7 and 7.35?
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