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The aircraft to maintain balance.

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Q: What is meant by plane of symmetry in the centre of gravity of the bodies?
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What is meant by center of gravity?

gravity is the force that pulls everything down towards the centre of the earth.

Does Pluto have the least amount of gravity in the solar system?

No. Pluto has weaker gravity than any of the planets, which would have meant it had the weakest gravity when it was still considered a planet. Other, non-planetary bodies such as asteroid and comets have far weaker gravity.

Can a qadrilateal have only 1 rotational symmetry?

Assuming that qadrilateal is meant to be quadrilateral then the answer is that in general it would have rotational symmetry of order 1.

What is is meant by gravitational free fall?


What is meant by a symmetry of the cube?

You ether cut it in half or fourths or eighths(do you get the idea?)

What is meant by symmetry operation in solid state physics?

point plane line

What is meant of gravity?

The force that pull us towards the Earth's surface is the force of Gravity.

What is meant by the word Chromosome?

chromo= coloured somas=bodies colour bodies = chromosomes

What is a true state meant about gravity?

earth rotation on its axis causes gravity to occur on earth

What is the line symmetry for box?

Since a box is three dimensional, line symmetry is irrelevent. Planar symmetry is probably what you meant. In that case, any plane that intersects the center of the box will make either side of that box symmetric.

How many lines of symmetry does a cimmey circle has?

If "cimmey" is meant to be "semi" then the answer is 1. If not, I am sorry, I have no idea.

What animals have radical symmetry?

Not sure what you are referring to, "radical" symmetry. But if you meant radial symmetry then you might be looking at animals in the family with starfish, jellyfish, anemones, etc. There is also bilateral symmetry where both sides look the same. Look up radial symmetry and see what you can find.