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"The word salt is a general term which applies to the products of all such acid-base reactions."

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Q: What is meant by salt when said that metal react with acids to form salt?
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What Compounds react with metal to form salt and hydrogen?


Does lead have acid and can it melt metal?

Lead is a metal. Metals react with acids to form salts. Metals can be used to make alkalies, but not acids.

What Brittle metals that react with acids to form hydrogen gas?

Alkaline earth metal

Does metal react with bases to produce salts?

No. Metals react with nonmetals or acids to produce salts. Salts can also form when acids react with bases.

What will combining a non-metal oxide with water form?

All nonmetals form covalent oxides with oxygen, which react with water to form acids or with bases to form salts.

What is the effect of acids on metals?

The acid may react which the metal to form a salt and release hydrogen gas.

When acids and bases react do they form compounds called salts which are made of a metal and a nonmetal?

Yes, this is true; the reaction is called neutralization.

When acids and bases react do they form compounds called salt and are they made of metal and a nonmetal?

Yes, this is true; the reaction is called neutralization.

What do acids react with to form a neutral solution?


What else does acids react to form bases besides water?

Acids reacts with bases to form a salt and water.

Do bases react vigorously with many metals?

No, Acids react with metals to form salts.

Do acids react with metals that are more or less active than hydrogen to form a compound of the metal and hydrogen gas?

No. Some of the less reactive metals, such as platinum, gold, silver, copper, and rhenium will not undergo this reaction. Copper and silver will react with nitric acid to produce nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a toxic brown gas. Gold and platinum will react with aqua regia, a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, in a similar manner. Rhenium will not react with any acid.