

What is meant by staglamites?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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I believe what you're referring to is actually a 'Stalagmite.' A stalagmite is the build-up of drippings from the ceiling of a cave rich in limestone and other minerals.

Over thousands of years the continual drip, drip, drip, begins to solidify, appearing at first as little more than a smooth spot on the cave floor. In time, as the same drip perpetually hits the same spot below, the minerals accumulate and eventually begin to rise from the bottom of the floor. After thousands and even millions of years, those cumulative drips create a spherical cone which reaches towards the ceiling of the cave.

In the same theme, it is most probable that the same period of dripping from the ceiling, begins to create a downward-facing cone, which often looks like an icicle. Consequently, the downward cone grows almost at the same rate as the upward growing cone. These hanging cones are referred to as 'Stalactites.'

Over time, the two will eventually meet. When this occurs and the Stalactite has now formed with the stalagmite, this is referred to as a column.

Not all Stalactites and stalagmites are cylindrical. They can overlap, similar to a soft ice-cream cone and some even contain smaller stalactites and stalagmites within the original column. Some become truly stunning creations of natural beauty.

Should you discover one in a natural setting, you should never touch them as it can destroy the centuries of time required for the process to begin. Placing your hand on the point of drip effectively 'kills' the growth process.

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