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The keyword this is used to refer to the current class object instance

for example: this.getName() refers to the method getName() of the current object instance. Even if there were multiple getName() methods in the parent classes the key word this instructs the JVM to call the method in the current class

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14y ago

In Java, this refers to the current instance of a class. this is most often used in one of two cases:

1) To refer to a variable in a different scope.

class MyClass {

int number = 10;

// Note how the printNumbers method defines a variable of the same name as

// a class member.

void printNumbers() {

int number = 5;

// The output here will be 5, since the "most local" variable reference is used


// The output here will be 10, since we specify that we want the class member




2) To send a reference of the current class to another class or method.

class MyClass {

void f() {

// Send a reference to this class to stdout




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12y ago

The This keyword references the current object. It can be used in an instance method or constructor for an object.

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