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Glenohumeral Rhythm

This is referred to as "scapulohumeral rhythm."

Scapulohumeral Rhythm.

Phase 1:

Humerus 30° abduction

Scapula minimal movement

Clavicle 0° - 15° elevation

Phase 2:

Humerus 40° abduction

Scapula 20° rotation

Clavicle 30° - 36° elevation

Phase 3:

Humerus 60° abduction 90° external rotation

Scapula 30° rotation

Clavicle 30° - 50° posterior rotation Up to 30° elevation

All of these phases have important input by the Rotator Cuff muscles.

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What is scapulohumeral rhythm?

Scapulohumeral rhythm:(describes the timing of movement at these joints during shoulder elevation.)first 30 degrees of shoulder elevation involves a "setting phase": The movement is largely glenohumeral.Scapulothoracic movement is small and inconsistent.after the first 30 degrees of shoulder elevation: The glenohumeral and scapulothoracic joints move simultaneously.Overall 2:1 ratio of glenohumeral to scapulothoracic movement.You can observe scapulohumeral rhythm by palpating the scapula's position as a person elevates the shoulder. Helpful scapular landmarks for palpation are the base of the spine and the inferior angle.Scapulohumeral rhythm serves at least two purposes.It preserves the length-tension relationships of the glenohumeral muscles; the muscles do not shorten as much as they would without the scapula's upward rotation, and so can sustain their force production through a larger portion of the range of motion.It prevents impingement between the humerus and the acromion. Because of the difference in size between the glenoid fossa and the humeral head, subacromial impingement can occur unless relative movement between the humerus and scapula is limited. Simultaneous movement of the humerus and scapula during shoulder elevation limits relative (arthrokinematic) movement between the two bones.

What two joints does the biceps brachii cross?

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What joint does the scapula and the upper arm bone meet?

Glenohumeral Joint

What is considered to be an extrinsic glenohumeral muscle?

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Horizontal abduction of the glenohumeral joint. What muscles are involved?

Coracobrachialis Muscle

What connects the arm to the body?

The glenohumeral joint which is also known as the "shoulder joint"