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Q: What is medical terminology for permit passage of the sciatic nerve?
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The measure of variation in particle sizes of filter and ion exchange media. The coefficient is defined as the the ratio of the sieve size that will permit passage of 60% of the media by weight to the sieve sieve size that will permit passage of 10% of the media material by weight.

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What type of permit? A CDL permit is, yes. A regular learner's permit is not. As with a full CDL, you're required to maintain a current DOT medical card with a CDL permit.

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A birthday party, and you can get a learners permit to drive and vote in the United States of America.

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What does not permit the passage of x-rays?

lead. that's why it is used in x-ray shielding for x-ray technicians (amongst other things)

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polarized in a vertical plane.