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menopause is bad because it makes you forget things especially bad to youths

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Q: What is menopause is bad or good?
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Related questions

What can menopause do to your body is it bad or good?

it is good for your body because that is when you stop going through puberty and it may happen during the ages of 45 and55

How is the married life after menopause?

Just as bad as it usually is.

Does menopause cause lowered body temp?

It depends on how bad you have the menopause. It can give you hot flashes or make you cold.

How old would a woman be to begin menopause symptoms?

It is different for everyone. Just like our cycle. But it usually happens around 50-55. But the bad thing is menopause can last a LOOONG time.. Lol my Grandma's lasted for a little over 10 years... Good luck! xD

What does it mean if period starts after menopause?

It means you're probably gonna have a bad day

How can you stop your period for good?

Menopause is the only way. Or removal of the ovaries.

Does a woman need to go to an ob-gyn after she is past menopause?

Yes. Even after menopause, a regular check up is necessary. There are other issues that might come up after menopause, and it is always good to regularly check for ovarian cancer.

Menopause and ovulation?

At menopause ovulation stops.

Can tubal ligations cause menopause?

No, a tubal ligation will not cause menopause.

How do pre-menopause symptoms differ from full menopause symptoms?

Pre-menopause and menopause symptoms are very similar including mood changes, difficulty controling temperature, and other hormanal issues. With menopause they are more pronounced.

Do trees experience menopause?

No. Look up what menopause is!

What is Surgical menopause behavior?

Surgical menopause refers to menopause induced by surgical removal of the ovaries. Common behaviors in surgical menopause can include mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, and changes in libido due to the sudden drop in estrogen levels. Psychological symptoms such as anxiety and depression can also occur. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help manage these symptoms effectively.