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Q: What is ment by bacterial growth in food?
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What food does bacteria spoil?

Anything that has enough moisture to support bacterial growth.

Does covering food retard bacterial growth?

No, bacteria can thrive under anaerobic conditions.

What conditions make food go off?

Dampness and warmth encourage bacterial growth and rotting.

Why should you chill food as quick as possible in food safety?

Refrigerating food retards bacterial growth. It does not stop it, it only slows it down.

How do you stop bacteria from thriving in a food swevice environment?

Bacterial growth can be hindered using proper food storage and preparation methods. For example: to not cut vegetables on the same board used to cut raw chicken would prevent a lot of bacterial growth risks.

Explain how keeping food in a refrigerator helps to keep it fresh?

Coldness inhibits bacterial growth, thus preserving food longer.

Discuss a bacterial growth curve and phases of bacterial growth?

The bacterial growth curve is usually exponential in shape just like most of the living organism.

How does fermentation preserve food?

Fermentation preserves food because the bacterial growth reduces the pH of the food to a range where pathogenic and many spoilage organisms won't grow.

What is the difference between bacterial and anti bacterial hand wash?

Bacterial hand wash favors the growth of bacteria on the surface of the skin ( hands). On the other hand ( no pun intended) ANTI bacterial hand wash does not favor bacterial growth and in fact contains agents to prevent any bacterial growth on the hands.

Why should food never be left on the counter to thaw?

As the food is thawing, parts of the food will be in the temperature danger zone and would allow the growth of bacteria. This increased bacterial load increases the opportunity for pathogen growth as well as spoilage.

What is the two hour rule when handling food?

Any food out of the fridge for two hours must be cooked or served immediately. Bacterial growth has commenced.

What is the danger zone for bacterial growth?

The "danger zone" for bacterial growth are temperatures between 5 and 60 degrees