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Q: What is metatarsal cueifrm joint exostosis?
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Is a Hard lump on top of foot sore when pressure applied what is this?

A lump on your foot could be metatarsal-cuneiform joint exostosis depending on where the bump actually is, the talonavicular joint is pretty close by and this joint is also prone to exostosis. Or. Excess growth. witch is normally harmless, and surgery could be done to remove them, but that is only recommended if it was pushing on a nerve very close to them and causing nerve pain. if you have a lump on your foot you should see a good doctor.

What is dystrophic calcification of the metatarsal joint?

a metatarsal is a bone in your foot!

Where do your toes meet your feet?

the metatarsal-pharyngeal joint

Is exotosis and arthritis similar?

No they are not. An exostosis is the formation of new bone on the surface of a bone. while arthritis relates to joint problems.

Abnormal swelling of the joint between the big toe and the first metatarsal bone?


What is the Tarsometatarsal joint?

tar·so·met·a·tar·sal joints [TA] the three synovial joints between the tarsal and metatarsal bones, consisting of a medial joint between the first cuneiform and first metatarsal, an intermediate joint between the second and third cuneiforms and corresponding metatarsals, and a lateral joint between the cuboid and fourth and fifth metatarsals. Synonym(s): articulationes tarsometatarsales [TA], cuneometatarsal joints, Lisfranc jointsFarlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012tar·so·met·a·tar·sal joints (tahr'sō-met'ă-tahr'săl joynts) [TA] The three synovial articulations between the tarsal and metatarsal bones, consisting of a medial joint between the first cuneiform and first metatarsal, an intermediate joint between the second and third cuneiforms and corresponding metatarsals, and a lateral joint between the cuboid and fourth and fifth metatarsals.

What is exostosis?

benign outgrowth of cartilaginous tissue on a bone

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What impact does pain from a bunion have on range of motion of the big toe?

Inflammation of this area causes a decrease in motion with associated discomfort in the joint between the big toe and the first metatarsal.

What bone is proximal to the fifth metatarsal?

The cuboid is proximal to the fifth metatarsal. It's the most lateral of the tarsals.

How many joints are in the human toe?

What toe are you referring to? In your first digit (big toe) there is only one joint. In digits 2-5 (the rest of your toes) you have two joints. Unless you are also counting your metatarsal phallengeal joints too, if you are +1 joint to each.

What is the medical term meaning bony outgrowth?

Exostosis means bony outgrowth.