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All symptoms are subjective, including symptoms related to pain. For most people, a "mild soreness" describes a low-level type pain that does not restrict most movement or everyday activities.

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Q: What is mild soreness?
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Is soreness after a massage normal?

Some people experience mild soreness after they get their first massage and this would be considered normal. It should feel like the soreness you get after starting a new sport or exercise activity, especially if you have not been very active yourself. It would be a good idea to call the massage therapist and report that you have some soreness, and also, if it lasts more than three days, or gets worse, you may want to see a doctor. In a very rare, few cases, a massage therapist can work too deeply and cause bruising, or even further injury to tissues. If this could be the case, it may be even more important to see a doctor. But if it starts to get better, you may consider a mild moist heat application or mild gentle stretching to help the area heal quicker. Then tell your massage therapist, if you get another massage from them, to use less pressure.

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when soreness occurs, it is because of a build-up of lactic acids.

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What draws out soreness in your body?

stretching, or relaxing

Is ice or heat better for soreness?


What do you do about soreness after a work out?

Soreness is caused by a buildup of certain acids in the muscles. Drink a lot of water, and move around. This will help to flush the acid from your system.

Is it good to exercise sore?

Make sure to stretch before and after exercise, it reduces the lactic acid in the muscles reducing soreness. If it's soreness from the rebuilding of muscle then it's fine but if it's soreness due to injury then don't exercise without consent of a doctor.