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1000 feet

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Q: What is minimum flight altitude?
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What is the minimum altitude of a flight from the earth when it is flying?

1500 ft

When flying an IFR flight heading 135 - what is a legal cruising altitude?

During IFR flight, ATC will dictate cruising altitude.

What a helicopters altitude should be?

it's altitude should be whatever is economical for that flight

You will fly a VFR flight heading 245 - what is a legal cruising altitude?

We will fly a VFR flight heading 245 - what is a legal cruising altitude?

What is the minimum altitude at which mach number can be calculated?

It can be calculated at any altitude - including negative ones - eg under water.

High altitude flight?

This question does not provide enough information to be answered.

What is the lowest altitude permitted for acrobatic flight?

1,500 feet AGL.

What minimum flight or surface visibility is requiered by the regulations to have a solo flight?

It will vary by country. For example, in the US the minimum visibility is 3 miles.

What is different between transition altitude and transitionlevel?

The diference is simple, the transition altitude is the altitude above sea level at wich the aircraft change from the use of altitude to the use of flight level. When operating above the transition altitude, the aircraft altimeters pressure seting is normally adjusted to the standard pressure setting wich is 1013 millibars in europe, or 29.92 inches of mercury in US, or Canada. There the aircraft altitude will be expressed as a flight level.

What does attitude mean in reference to ocean waves?

I'm sure that this question means altitude. Altitude is vertical distance between the maximum or minimum of the ocean wave (or any wave) and halfway between the minimum and maximum. Half the vertical distance between the minimum and maximum of the wave.

How many hours can you fly after the altitude chamber?

Normally, participants in a hypobaric chamber exercise are restricted from flying for a minimum of 12 hours. However, it really depends on the altitude achieved in the chamber and the duration at altitude.

The minimum altitude required for a satellite to avoid significant aerodynamic drag is?

200 miles(: