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Q: What is mixed with olive oil to make the oil of chrism?
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What is the name of the oil used to baptize the baby?

The Oil of Catechumens, sometimes referred to by its old name, the Oil of Exorcism.

What color is chrism oil?

The same color as olive oil - a greenish yellow

What kind of oil is used for the three types of oil?

It is all olive oil. The Chrism has balsam ( a sweet scented perfume similar to frankincense) added to it

The fragment oil used in baptism and confirmation?

There are two oils used. the first, oil of catechumens, is an olive oil with the natural olive scent. The second, oil of chrism,is olive oil with a perfume added, usually balsam, which gives the scent. It is similar to the peerfumed scent of myrrh which Jesus received from the three wise men.

What are priests annointed with?

A blessed oil called the oil of chrism or sacred chrism. It is usually blessed by a bishop at the Chrism Mass on or just before holy Thursday. It is an olive oil with a perfumed scent ( similar to myrrh that Jesus received from the Wise men at his birth) added.

What is the name of the oil used in the anointing for baptism and in confirmation?

The oils used for Baptism are Sacred Chrism and the Oil of the Catechumens. The Oil of the Catechumens MAY be used at the beginning of the ceremony (it's optional) and the Sacred Chrism is always used later on..SC = Sacrum Chrisma = Sacred ChrismOC = Oleum Catechumenorum = Oil of the Catechumens

What oils are used at the Vigil Mass?

At the Easter Vigil, if someone is being baptized and confirmed, the Oil of Chrism (Sacred Chrism, an olive oil with balsam) is used. The Oil of Catechumens may be used with those being baptized, but is usually reserved for infant baptisms.

Zaatar is mixed with hot oil?

zaatar is mixed very well with olive oil- room temperature. Never hot oil

What is the best oil for Yamaha banshee?

vaginal discharge mixed with olive oil

Do corn starch and olive oil cure diaper rash?

well cornstarch is suppose to remove moisture and olive oil is greasy soothing but i think if mixed will make a dough like or pasty product

Is balsam wood oil used in the catholic church?

Yes, the oil called Chrism, used at baptism, confirmation, and priest hood, is an olive oil with scented perfume usually from balsam tree or shrub

How do you make a hair cuticle coat?

a liquid vitamin E capsul mixed with some extra virgin olive oil