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Q: What is mixture of stomach fluids and food produced in the stomach by contracting stomach muscles?
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Why during your menstruation your stomach is acing?

Your muscles in your uterus are contracting in order to shed the lining in the uterus to rid it from your body.

When you laugh a lot why does your stomach hurt?

It is not your stomach, it is your diaphragm under your stomach that is hurting. Laughing interferes with your breathing rythm When you laugh a lot you are contracting and relaxing your muscles in your stomach, kinda like doing a lot of curlups.

What the function on the muscular system?

Some muscles are attached tobones.They enable to move by contracting and relaxing.Other muscles are those in the heart,stomach and intestines.When you eat and the food goes down to your stomach and intestines,the muscles in your stomach and intestines contract and relax to move the food. Muscles at your heart also contract and relax to help the heart to pump blood to the other parts of the body.

What is chyme produced in?

Chyme is the name for the mixture formed by the churning and digestion of food in the stomach.

What muscles are same as stomach muscles?

Stomach muscles

How do you lose your stomach without doing sit ups?

Sit ups tone muscles, but you can lose some of your stomach just by weight loss. If you still need to tone up, just try contracting your stomach muscles when you're sitting down. Try to contract them for as long as you can; you should see an improvement after a week.

How does the esophagus help the human body?

Transports consumed material to the internal organs. It can push food and drink down to the stomach.

How can be swallow the food if you are upside down?

If I remember correctly, Peristalsis is what allows this to happen. Hope that helps :)

These muscles can move food in your stomach?

these muscles can move in your stomach in not a referable question pleese comment

A strange reaction is happening inside a body the diaphragm muscle and muscles in the abdominal wall are strongly contracting partly digested food is being forced up out of the stomach what is happi?

This happens when you vomit or throw up

What is urnia?

you may be speaking of a Hurnia, an injury to the stomach muscles when the intestines come through the muscles of the stomach

What can you do to get stomach muscles?

do excerice