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Q: What is modified leaves that encase the developing flowers. They are sterile floral parts and may be either green or leaf-like.?
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What flowers cannot bloom?

Sterile ones, like most of the corn grown today (in the US).

Are 'Indian Blanket' sunflower seeds edible?

As the flowers are grown for decoration and are sterile, they don't make great eating.

Is breastmilk sterile and what does that mean?

Breastmilk is not sterile, as it can contain some bacteria and other microorganisms. When we say a substance is sterile, it means that it is free from any living microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Breastmilk contains beneficial microorganisms that help support the baby's developing immune system.

Is there a species of lantana that does not flower?

Not as far as I know. Most plants produce some form of flowers. There are however, some species of Lantana that are sterile (cross Lantana montevidensis and Lantana camara), this means they produce flowers, but not seed.

Is a flower sterile or non sterile?

the flower is sterile

If a sterile field becomes wet with sterile solution is the field no longer considered sterile?

If a sterile field becomes "contaminated" with a sterile solution, the field remains sterile.

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sterile gloves

Is the stomach sterile?

No it's not sterile

How many stamen does a daisy have?

The number of stamens a daisy has depends on the number of disk flowers in the daisy. A daisy has two types of flowers that make the whole flower. The center is where the disk flowers are located. The rays are sterile.

What word that rhymes with peril and means free of germs?


Why is it incorrect to say that an object is partially sterile?

This definition is only one or the other. Either sterile or non-sterile. There is no such thing as partially sterile.

Is horseradish seasonal?

Horseradish blooms in mid-summer, if it blooms at all. Most horseradish sold in the United States is sterile and is propagated through the tubers/roots instead of seeds from flowers.