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Salt water- the ions are not held in the crystal lattice they are free to move.

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Q: What is more conductive solid sodium chloride or saltwater?
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Why does sodium chloride conduct electrcity?

Solid pure sodium chloride is not conductive.

Does Sodium chloride solid conduct electricity?

Sodium chloride is not electrically conductive.

Is NaCl conductive?

Not as a solid, but dissolve it in water and the ions help electricity conduct through the saltwater. Totally pure water will hardly conduct electricity. The impurities in the water are what allows current to flow.

How does sodium chloride conduct electricity?

Sodium chloride is an electrolyte when: - is dissolved and dissociated in water - dissociated after melting

How is conductivity different in dry and wet sodium chloride?

Solid sodium chloride is not conductive; the water solution of NaCl (or wet NaCl) being an electrolyte is conductive.

Is an electric current conducted by a solution of sodium chloride?

Solid sodium chloride is not an electrolyte.Sodium chloride in water solutions or molten sodium chloride are electrolytes.

Why is it that a soluble solid sample of sodium salt does not conduct electricity?

Solid sodium chloride is neutral and nonconductive.In solution sodium chloride is dissolved and dissociated and become conductive; the same in the melt.

Why does sodium chloride and water conduct electricity but a sodium chloride crystal does not?

In water sodium chloride is dissociated and the solution become an electrolyte, electrically conductive. The solid NaCl is not an electrolyte.

Why is NaCl not electrically conductive?

In a solid sodium chloride ions are not free; in solution or melting sodium chloride become an electrolyte, with free ions.

Can glucose and NaCl conduct electricity?

Yes NaCl can conduct the electricity........but i am not sure about Glucose

Why does an solid solution of sodium chloride conduct electricity and give its mechanism?

Sodium chloride as a solid is not conductive.Water solution of NaCl contain the ions Na+ and Cl-, is an electrolyte and is conductive.

Is sodium chloride solid is britle?

Sodium chloride is a brittle solid.