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depending on conditions but generally a heat pump will cost you less to run.

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Q: What is more efficient electric baseboard heat or a heat pump?
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How energy efficient are electric fireplaces?

Very little of the energy that goes to the electric fireplaces is wasted. However, as a heat source there are better, more efficient sources of heat.

Are new electric baseboard heaters more economical than those made in the 1970's?

Not really. Baseboard heaters are rated in watts. W = Amps x Volts has not changed since electricity came into being. What has changed are some of the designs of the baseboard heaters. Some heat oil in the baseboard heaters, which dissipate the heat out at a more even heat. On the market now are new types of thrermostats that pulse the baseboard heaters for a more regulated heat rather just turning them on when the thermostat calls for heat and turns them off when the thermostat is satisfied.

Where can one look for different electric baseboard heaters?

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Insulators are more efficient at maintaining heat.

Would you recommend using oil to heat your home or is electric heat more efficient?

Oil is the most expensive way to heat anything. Check your cost per kwh on your electric bill- easy way= forget all the blah blah and divide the total $ by the total kw. The most efficient heat source is a heat pump. For $400 worth of heat with electric or gas equipment, the same heat may cost you as little as $100.

Are radiant heating panels cost effective?

A U.S. Department of Energy sponsored study concluded that radiant heat panels were 52% less expensive to operate than electric baseboard heat and 33% more cost effective air to air heat pumps.

Which is better Electric heat or heat pump?

Heat pump - lots more efficient and dramatically cheaper to operate. Heat pump is definitely better as it not only saves electricity bills but is also easy to maintain and install.

Which green models are more energy efficient Maytag or General Electric?

General Electric has many models that are more energy efficient than Maytag.

What is the most efficient method Water heater?

One of the most energy efficient water heating methods is the heat pump water heater. This method is proven to be two times more efficient over the standard electric water heater.

Where can I find out more information about electric baseboard heaters?

I need some heating in my kitchen but don't have room for a radiator or a wall heater. I have been told I could have electric baseboard heaters fitted but I don't know how effective they are. What web sites could I look at to find out about them?

Why not just use that energy consumed running the heat pump to run electric heaters inside the house and heat it directly that way?

Heat pump is more efficient. If you use electric heaters, 1 joule of electric energy will produce 1 joule of heat energy. If you use heat pumps, 1 joule of electric energy can pump several joules - perhaps up to 5 or 6, depending on the outside temperature, and the efficiency of the heat pump - of heat, from the outside to the inside.

Difference between in floor heating and baseboard heating.?

Floor heating is when you have heating units beneath your tiles that generates heat that radiates from beneath the home. Baseboard heaters are heater units that usually sit parallel to your baseboard. Each unit of baseboard heater is independent. Floor heating is more of a central heating unit.