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Both the heart and liver are vital to life, as is brain stem functioning. Humans can also live with damage to the heart or liver. But, it is harder to live with liver damage than to live with heart damage. The liver "detoxes" the entire body and is vital to process many of the medications ill persons must take to survive. But when the liver is damaged, it cannot process the toxins and by-products like a healthy liver can. Toxins build up in the blood stream until they begin to damage the brain and other organs.

Interestingly, though, one person can die from Heart disease but have a relatively healthy liver.... while another person can die from liver ailments/damage while having a relatively strong heart!

But, while each are vital to life, I'd have to say the liver's 'health' is more important in both health and in chronic medical conditions.

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Both are important in living.

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Q: What is more important the liver or the heart?
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