

Best Answer

Rockband The Beatles, because the Beatles did make Rock History.

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Q: What is more popular guitar hero metallica or beatles rock band?
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Is the guitar from Guitar Hero Metallica compatible for use with Rock Band?

yes but why would you play Rock Band if you have Guitar Hero Metallica?

What is Guitar Hero Metallica?

Guitar hero Metallica, like Aerosmith, would be a Guitar Hero game that focuses on only one band that is Metallica. its a game

Does the Beatles is guitar band?


Is rock band much more better than guitar hero?

i prefer guitar hero world tour because if ur a metallica fan, u can get guitar hero metallica and it would be compatible. rock band 2 is still cool because u can get a cymbal expansion set and get rock band beatles which i think will be kinda lame since i like metal.

Who is the most popular band ever?

Such a question has no specific answer, but quite possible The Beatles. Id say somewhere between Pink Floyd, U2, Beatles, Led Zepplin, Metallica

Will Nickelback have a rock band?

They may, but I highly doubt it. They are not a well-known band like the Beatles or Metallica. If they become more popular then it may very well be possible.

Does guitar hero metallica have a band kit?

no JA

Is one in a rock band?

No, but it is on Guitar Hero 3 and Guitar Hero Metallica.

Can you play Rock Band ACDC with a Guitar Hero metallica guitar?

Yes the guitar hero guitars are completely compatible with rock band.

How come there aren't all metallica's songs on guitar hero metallica?

Because it wouldn't make any sense I mean if its just one band you would get bored pretty fast. And its because its Metallica's choice of what band they want to put on Guitar Hero Metallica.

In Guitar Hero metallica does metallica appear in their?

what you mean? i think he means the actual band if so yes

Who is current base guitar player in metallica?

"Bass guitar", not "base guitar". Metallica's current bassist is Robert Trujillo, formerly of Ozzy Osbourne's band, and Suicidal Tendencies.