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Q: What is most active metal of the calcium family is?
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Why the lithium is the most active alkali metal?

Lithium is NOT the most active alkali metal. Francium is the most active but is available in such trace quantities and radioactive that for practical purposes it is Cesium that is considered most active.

Is calcium the most metal in the human body?

Yes. Calcium is the most metallic substance in the human body.

What is the most prevalent metal in human body?

Calcium is the most prevalent in the human body.

What is the most active metal on the periodic?

Francium is the most reactive metal. Reactivity increases and you go down a family and decreases as you go across a period on the Periodic Table. Francium is the farthest left and the lowest so it is the most reactive.

What is the alkali metal of calcium?

It is an Alkaline Earth Metal

What does the element calcium look like?

There is no such thing. There are carbon atoms of varying properties, and isotopes. There is no such thing as an "human carbon atom."

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Where is the most active metal located on the periodic table Where is the most active nonmetal located?

The most active metal is francium (Fr). It is located farthest to the left and at the bottom. The most active nonmetal is fluorine (F). It is located at the top of Group 17 (the halogens).

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What woul the most active metal be?


Which value most closely represents the number of grams in 9.0 moles of calcium metal?

The number of grams in 9,0 moles of calcium metal is 360,7 g.

The most active metal would be the one that is?
