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Q: What is most continuous effect of food contamination?
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What is most common reason for food born illness?

The most common reason for food born illness is contamination of the food. If the food is exposed to things such as animal feces or workers handling the product with dirty hands, then there is a risk of contamination.

What is the most common mode of HAV transmission?

contamination of food during preparation

How does fungi get into food?

Fungi get into food through contamination - the fungi is allowed to contact the food in some fashion. In the United States, most cross-contamination like this happens in the home after the food has been open. Fungi are pretty much everywhere and for the most part don't hurt anything.

If a hair gets into food it could be introducing contamination into the food.?

In most cases no major contamination can be introduced due to a hair being in your food. However, very uncommonly the human from which the hair came from could have ailments such as lice and open soars.

When is cross-contamination most likely to occur?

Cross-contamination is the transfer of harmful bacteria to food, from cutting boards, utensils or improperly cooked foods. It could result to foodborne illnesses.

How far should food be stored to avoid cross contamination?

Most food should be bagged or airtightly sealed so that doesnt happen

Why do most restaurants have separate kitchens for preparing hot and cold food?

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What is the most common source of cross-contamination?

stuff like unclean utensils and the bacteria getting onto your food and you eating it

When is cross contamination most likely to occur?

"cross-contamination" occurs when

Which food is most susceptible to bacterial contamination?

Most contaminated foods come from a slaughterhouse as the conditions are unbelievably filthy there.Fruits and vegetables can be contaminated by unclean water.

Where in the world is the most continuous lightning?

The most continuous lightning is in Balooka Arkansas.

What is the most common cause of blood contamination?

Improper skin preparation is the most common cause of contamination when drawing blood cultures.